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tfeverfred's project

Bad girl. Just plain bad!

Well, I got a speeding ticket this afternoon. 74 in a 60. I was on the freeway and the police officer was sitting just on the other side of a hill. Caught me dead to right.

The good part is, he chatted with me for a while about my car. He wrote me up for 65 in a 60. Then, on the ticket line for "model", he wrote T Bucket. Plus, he causually mentioned that he usually doesn't show up for court.;) Guess I'll show up and see if he shows.

Normally, this is a $165 ticket.:eek: Sure could use that money for something else, but I'm fairly sure this one will get dismissed, if he doesn't show.
Evidently Fred, your gas mileage hasn't improved with that new 600 cfm Edlebrock. :) But the :lol: sure must be pegged!
I propose a new nickname.......

"Fast Lane Freddie" :lol::lol::)

don't feel bad Fred, I got a speeding ticket (warning) my first trip out with the Coupe. Sheriff said he "clocked" me at 92 in a 55:eek:
but after I explained to him that its a fiberglas car, and probably confused his radar.......he thought about it for a minute and lie....."your probably right, I've been having trouble with it for a few days now":D
"so I'll write you a warning, 'cuz I know you were doing better than 55" :lol:

sometimes it better to be lucky, than good.

Coupefreak said:
I propose a new nickname.......

"Fast Lane Freddie" :lol::lol::lol:

Oh man, that's rich!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

"Fast Lane Freddie"?! Something told me to keep this to myself!:rofl: Yea, it kinda put a damper on my mood for a couple seconds. The cool thing is, I have a speeding ticket for a 1920 Ford!:rofl: That's a keeper.

I think the cop cut me major slack, even thouh he wrote the ticket. First off, he specificly wrote on the ticket that it was a t bucket. So, maybe he's a gearhead or just likes cars. Second, when I mentioned the price on the back of the ticket, he made a point to mention he doesn't usually show up to court and the time for the court is 8PM on a week night. I think/hope he'll be home with his family. So, things will go smooth in court. I'll plead innocent and ask for a judge jury trial, he won't be there and it'll get dismissed.

Funny part is, I was heading in for the day and really didn't have a reason to be scooting that fast. I just wanted to let her run for a bit. Totally forgot I was in a known speed trap zone. Just having too much fun, I guess.
He probably didn't need the radar gun to clock you, he could tell you were scootin pretty good from the grin on your face I bet! :rofl:
If its any consolation Fred......on the "other board" I would be nominated for Team Smart:o

Fred, this is a great build thread. I've read nearly every page and watched most of your videos. I think to echo what some of the others have said that your thread and your documentation of your build is inspirational.

I love your color combination of the red and black. The black wire wheels are just awesome!

Dan (the dreamer - one day me too! :D)
Central IL
kb9jlo said:
Fred, this is a great build thread. I've read nearly every page and watched most of your videos. I think to echo what some of the others have said that your thread and your documentation of your build is inspirational.

I love your color combination of the red and black. The black wire wheels are just awesome!

Dan (the dreamer - one day me too! :lol:)
Central IL

Thanks! It's always cool to read the good words from others!
New interior

I tried a new idea and it just didn't look right. So, I went back to my original concept of using spray adhesive and attaching the material directly to the inside of the body. This new material has a more porous backing and it seems to be sticking a little more permanent. Only time will tell, but considering I would only need to spray and reapply, I'm not really worried.

I did this redo last night and thought it looked okay. Now that I see it in the morning sunlight, I'm very pleased with it.




The backing is a lot thicker than what I had before. It presses in well when I sit back and the foam at the bottom creates a bolster for the lower back. I drove it last night and the difference was like night and day.

Kinda looks like some trendy Euro furniture!
Fred, you do darn nice work. Looks real nice and the back rest look's a lot more comfortable.
Miss Behavin' meets the Houston Police

I almost hate to put these pics here, but they are part of my build journal, so.....:buttkick:





I don't know if this is the end or not.
Re: Miss Behavin' meets the Houston Police

Hell no...this ain't the end....just a huge pothole!

Re: Miss Behavin' meets the Houston Police

NO... NO... NO... Don't throw in the towel!!! You can put it back together... You built it with your own two hands! Looking at it, you would think that it is totaled but IT IS NOT TOTALED!!! The body and interior is in great condition, the engine, transmission, differential, rear wheels and tires, electrical harness, windshield... ALL IN GREAT CONDITION AND INTACT!!! I believe if you take a good walk around the car, you would see so much more that is unharmed.

Just look at where the real damage is. The truth is, the damage looks much worse than it really is. The front axle, front wheels, radiator, motor/trans mounts. That is it mostly... thats all the damage there is. The frame may be tweeked a little, but you can easily save that. Just section the damaged portion of the frame with a new section and your back in business!!!

Just as Ron said above, "This ain't the end... just a huge pothole!"

I have your U-tube videos bookmarked- Your first drive around the parking lot- Your first run up the street- Your drive through the city of Houston (Awesome!!!).

Ya, I've been waching your build of the car... Yours and a couple of others!

Since I built my T-Bucket... and just like like you, I have only had mine on the road for a very short while (You got yours on the road before I got mine on the road). I have discovered many little things with it that if I had the chance to do bits and pieces if it over again, I would incorporate many new and improved idea's into putting it back together.

I just have to add this:

About three weeks ago, I was out cruising around in my T-Bucket with a buddy of mine. I was preparing to make a left turn out of a parking lot onto main street... I was checking trafic, preparing to make my left turn into the street and I heard my buddy setting next to me in the car say that the way was clear and so I continued to make my turn into the street.

Just as I pulled forward into the street, I caught a glimps of a car coming on my front right side so I yanked the steering wheel hard to the left and locked up the brakes. luckily the other driver did the same as I did and both me and the other car/driver came to stop in the middle of the street! SO CLOSE!!! The other cars the left corner of it's front bumper came in behind my right front tire and just forward of my right exhaust header. If we had made contact, It would have been very UGLY!!!

From now on, I do my OWN driving!!! If my passenger say's "OK the roads clear!" I'm sorry, I ain't hear'n it.

My buddy said it was clear to go and I took his word for it... I almost crashed my car listening to him and not doing my own driving!
I agree with Mr27.

There appears to be a lot of salvageable parts left. You may need a new frame and front end, but if the city is paying you should be in good shape.

Just hope you're in good shape. Get healed up, get your money from the city and fix it!

Dang! Sorry to hear about the accident man.

Guess the price of Hallcraft's just went up. Oh well. Looked like the anitfreeze needed changing anyway, LOL. Give a shout out if you need help with anything. Gotta bunch of guys pulling for you!

Chris n KC
Fred as bad as this looks were all thankful you are ok. Hang in there bud you may come out of this to the good if thats possible. It really hurts to see your dream in this shape. keep us informed , we all care and i am sure everyone on here would do whatever is needed to help.:lol: :lol:...Francis
RPM said:
Looks like a check for about $75,000 would fix it and make you feel a lot better.

That would just about cover the Hallcrafts, LOL.

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