Devil? Who the heck is that!?
I DID IT! Charging and starting system wired in! It took about 3 hours. Not bad considering it was my first time. I had a fire extinguisher at the ready, though.

Here's how it went:
Yesturday evening I stopped at the auto parts store and picked up the items I would need. Wire in the appropriate sizes and in a variety of colors, an ignition swith and end connectors for the wires, etc. Plus, two packs of smokes!:lol:
I made a note on the schematic of what colors I was using and will keep this for trouble shooting should that occasion arise. Next, I selected the appropriate wire sizes, ran them along the route I wanted, cut and attached the end connections. I was able to get an alternator plug pre-wired at the auto parts store for minimal dollars. Then, I applyed shrink wrap to ALL of the connector ends. Then I mounted the wires in their location on the alternator and used zip ties every 4-5" to keep them together and neat.
Next, I wrapped the wires in wire wrap. Again, to keep everything together and neat.
I then ran this along the route I had chosen and attached the assembly with more zip ties. The route I took ran along the right front brake line, accross the bottom of the radiator and then to along the left brake line.
I then attached the wires to their appropriate locations on the starter. Afterwards, I ran the wires needed from the starter into the cab and one wire to the nuetral safety swicth which is under the car and attached to the shifter.
Of course, before I zip tied the wires together, I needed to test the connections! Fingers crossed........ THEN.......
I had previously left myself more than enough wire needed to join up with the ignition switch. I ran the wires into the the cab, bundled them together and zip tied them. Then, I ran them along the upper section of the inside firewall. Later, when all the wiring is done, I'll glue a section of wood to the firewall and use looms to hold the bundle in place.
And there ya have it! DONE with the first and most important section! Here's a little clip of the install and fire up!
So, eletrical wiring is nothing to be scared of. This was my VERY FIRST time. This was also the section that I thought I was going to mess up. So far I have $45 in supplies and have yet to get the fuse box, which will be an additional $88. Total for the whole shebang should come in at around $150. Plus, I get the satisfaction of saying I did it myself.