Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

The build is now beginning

There must a reason for picking a fuel tank on the smaller side ???
I am told that you meet more potential hot rod people at gas station fill ups more than any place else, so you should never have more than a 10 gallon tank or you are not promoting the hot rod world as intended.
Ah, guess I should have asked why such a larger gas tank. ;)
I watched your thread on that build a number of years ago. Quite a piece of work. Nice job. I’m sure a lot of head scratching!
Biggest problem was tacking it up. Has internal baffles flow and return, gauge sender and all pipework hidden in the perch. Took a bit of time:rolleyes:
I mig welded a double sumped ford oil pan several years ago. I added a section between the 2 sumps to increase the oil capacity. The pan was plagued with several leaks. I brushed gas tank sealer on the inside of the pan. I was told by a professional welder to apply solder to the leaking areas. He said it would fill in the pin holes. Hope this helps ( if you find any leaks ). I would try soldering first. The gas tank sealer could separate from the pan & clog things in the engine.
Iv heard about the solder trick. That's what I'm planning on trying for any leaks. I have to get plugs for the sump put the sending unit in and the air tank gauge back in and test.
JB Weld Steel-Stik works well on gas tanks. Any kind of liquid stuff that people put in their tanks to seal or prevent leaks scares me. If you can get a grinder or sand paper and some type of cleaning agent in there for surface prep then maybe, but just dumping stuff in the hole and trying to slosh it around seems to me to be a recipe for problems down the road. Your mileage may vary.
I tried that Por 1 sealer stuff years ago. It sealed the leaks but flaked off in big sheets. Not a good thing.
Have a radiator repair shop to clean the tanks and then seal with gas tank sealer for motorcycles. No rust and no flaking.
A machine shop that has a vat cleaner for heads and engines can do the same thing. Just a caustic solution to do the cleaning.
Will you make a full cage like the Kiwi boys do, or just a hoop & a couple support bars?

Kiwi Al's T.jpg

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