I have 12" simple baffles that I wrapped with ceramic mat. They quiet the headers down to T-bucket volume.
I had Sanderson headers on my car and the muffler had a flange that bolted between the header and turnout.
I like the full length headers better myself, but I'm more performance oriented than most.
You are the only one who needs to be pleased with it!
. . . I do take resale into account when i put one together.
Did you upholstery come in, must have you did have that last Sunday?
Why? Most of these cars will never receive what you've got in them at resale. Might as well just do it your own way and enjoy it.
I made the mistake of selling my roadster. That won’t happen again! My new car will be in my estate.
It's a '30 sedan delivery, used to be a Tudor. I'm not quite done with it, I am going to change the front axle and hook up the steering, then it will be outside for pictures. Until then here's a preview
Would love to meet you some day and chew the fat a bit.
I used to do the same... I made money on everything I bought, built, or repaired... no more. I don’t need to do it and really don’t want to. I’m tired of dealing with people. I used to enjoy it, attitudes changed, my tolerance about used up, I just build them for me, my taste, to hell with anyone else’s opinion of them. I spent too much of my life worrying about making money. I just need to try not to run out of it before I take my last breath! Lol... to each his own... good luck!Because it is what I do.I have no emotional attachment to them at all. It's just a car. I've always lived by the rule "my next one will be even better". I do do them my own way to a certain degree but if you go to far off the reservation they are difficult to sell. I have done this pretty much since I was about 16. It's how I finance my next project and make a little to boot. Their are people out there that will pay because they do not have the skill, time or know how to make one come together. I have a buddy in Houston that has over a 1 year waiting list for cars. He use to send some of his customers my way back when I was only doing 32's. These days you can easily get a builders loan to finance a car if your credit is good enough and you work closely with a custom auto appraiser or have the collateral. Now I will admit my current car is my test bed after being out of building cars for several years while I raised my family. So in essence it might be a bit difficult to get what I have in it out of it. But I won't take a bath on it. I'm just getting my feet wet again but I did just finish a 27 for someone who was sent to me by a company who sells all the parts but does not build cars. Perfect match. I met with a future prospect just yesterday who is local. His name is John Dixon (Google John Dixon American artist if interested. Very cool guy!). He currently has a Cobra replica that is sitting on an old Dan Gurney chassis. Very cool & unique car. Back to the point, I don't think Spirit, CCR or the other hundreds of other rod builders would be in business if they weren't making money. I do not consider myself a pro builder by any means tho. I'm just a guy who likes doing it and if I can make a little then life is good. I'm going to be retiring soon and this is how I plan to stay busy.
Sorry for the very long reply Spanky, and I totally get your statement and where your coming from. Would love to meet you some day and chew the fat a bit.
I get it.I'm sure their will be a car in my estate as well, but who knows what it will be.
I used to do the same... I made money on everything I bought, built, or repaired... no more. I don’t need to do it and really don’t want to. I’m tired of dealing with people. I used to enjoy it, attitudes changed, my tolerance about used up, I just build them for me, my taste, to hell with anyone else’s opinion of them. I spent too much of my life worrying about making money. I just need to try not to run out of it before I take my last breath! Lol... to each his own... good luck!
G'Day Jim,
Looks good to me, when you're on a budget there's always compromise. A dark brown carpet will finish that off nicely. (don't forget the front of the seat base) ;-)
Looks better than what I paid $1700 for.
Looks good! Nice door hinges. Source?