Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

These are the times


Well-Known Member
...that try men's souls.

Apparently, the crackers have some new toys to play with, as nearly all of my servers have come under heavy attack, today. The list below is just from one, three-and-one-half-hour period, Friday morning. And this is just the list of permanent blocks the firewall made. No way was I going to list the hundreds of temporary blocks.

It shows the time the block was generated, the country the IP address was from, and the service they were pinging.

5:49 AM - Brazil - FTP
5:55 AM - Ukraine - FTP
5:58 AM - Brazil - FTP
6:02 AM - Korea - FTP
6:07 AM - Korea - FTP
6:11 AM - Ukraine - FTP
6:12 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
6:19 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
6:20 AM - Ukraine - FTP
6:27 AM - Israel - FTP
6:45 AM - Ukraine - FTP
6:49 AM - Ukraine - FTP
6:53 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
6:54 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
7:16 AM - Ukraine - FTP
7:23 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
7:27 AM - Ireland - FTP
7:36 AM - Greece - FTP
7:43 AM - Ukraine - FTP
7:51 AM - Brazil - FTP
7:54 AM - Russian Federation - root account
7:58 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
7:59 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
8:04 AM - Hong Kong - FTP
8:06 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
8:12 AM - Ukraine - FTP
8:13 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
8:23 AM - Ukraine - FTP
8:23 AM - Ukraine - FTP
8:28 AM - Ukraine - FTP
8:34 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
8:35 AM - Brazil - FTP
8:39 AM - Ukraine - FTP
8:42 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
8:47 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
8:48 AM - Russian Federation - FTP
8:53 AM - " " - " "
8:58 AM - " " - " "
9:11 AM - " " - " "
9:19 AM - " " - " "

I got tired of typing Russian Federation and FTP, by the time I got to the end of the list. And I decided trying to copy over 250 times and countries was going to be a waste, so I gave up after noting the above.

Each of these represents a unique IP address that is now blocked by the firewall.

Thank Goodness for some strict firewall rules. I wonder how these crackers would feel, if they knew I run FTP on a non-standard port? :ninja:
WHAT!!! NO IRELAND!! I feel for you and wish people could find something better to do with their time other than ruining someones day.

Reminds me of a guy that wouldn't quit sending me E-Mails about insurance. I started a program that sent a Fax to him every 5 minutes 24 hrs a day 7 days a week until he sent me an E-Mail asking me to stop after 30 days of him trying to block me. Too bad it was a business that relied on the Fax machine. Reems of paper cost money, so I felt the need to cost him as much pain as possible for not accepting NO I DON'T WANT INSURANCE. I like payback when it's not illegal!

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