Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Yet another upgrade

At some point, in the late-afternoon/early-evening hours of Wednesday, 8 April, I will be closing the forum down for a quick upgrade. If you should arrive and find the forums closed, give it about 10 - 15 minutes and try again.
There is another upgrade ready for the forum software, so I will likely be taking the site down, sometime, either later this evening, or tomorrow evening, to update everything. You know the drill by now. If you arrive to find the forums are closed down, stop back by after about 15 minutes.
Apologies for the short notice, but I will be taking the site down for an upgrade, in the next, few minutes. The upgrade is to prevent two, potential, XSS vulnerabilities, so it is imperative that the upgrade take place as soon as possible.
And, we're back, safe and sound. When it is simple bug-fixes, or feature additions, I can put off an upgrade without a second thought. When it comes to a security issue, that gets the red lights flashing and the sirens screaming.

As always, if something is not working as it should, hit me up, so I can get on it.

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