Bad memories. My first bucket had Hallcraft wires, motorcycles tires and no brakes on front. Just drums on the rear. It would stop, but I needed to plan ahead.
Thank you so much for that terrifying memory Please, God, I'll change my ways!!Told me it was pretty scary sliding thru the red light with both rear wheels locked up!!!
I agree, but I like balance. In a curve, especially on a bike, I dont want to transfer the weight or momentum by over using the front brakes, nose dive, etc...I have always been taught that fronts brakes were for stopping and rear brakes were for control. I know that is true for motorcycles.
To balance the brakes I used a FRONT mounted adjustable proportioning valve to slightly limit front brake effectiveness. IIRC, I only had to turn it in 1/2 a turn from wide open and that was enough to let the rear do their part.
I don't think installing a proportioning valve to the front brakes will help me. I already don't feel that the front brakes are stopping the car properly and installing a restriction to the front calipers is only going to make things worse. Am I correct in assuming that I should be able to stop this thing with what I would call normal brake pedal pressure and all 4 wheels should be locking up during hard braking? I know that it is said that you don't need power brakes on a bucket, but should this be an option for me? Also what about changing to rear disc brakes? It's been raining alot here in NJ lately an haven't had it out, maybe by the weekend.
As I mentioned in a previous post, that is definately the ultimate cure.What rear end do you have? Can you get a larger brake for it? Bigger drums or disc