Wild Mango
Back to the locked up motor. My nasty suspicious mind thinks that engine had, or developed, a water leak, head gasket, manifold or somewheres that let a dose of water get into a cylinder or two and corrode her up big time. Seen it before, and you did say it was only run for a few minutes before storage. If I was going to store a motor I think I would drain it of coolant. (never done it, we don't have winter here)
We pickle our alcohol motors with 50/50 Mineral Spirits and Dexron. Equal parts kerosene (jet A1) mineral spirits and dexron make a great general purpose lube and penetrant oil. The gun guys call it "Eds Red" and its as good as Break Free for that purpose.
We pickle our alcohol motors with 50/50 Mineral Spirits and Dexron. Equal parts kerosene (jet A1) mineral spirits and dexron make a great general purpose lube and penetrant oil. The gun guys call it "Eds Red" and its as good as Break Free for that purpose.