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cooters T bucket build

There is an old saying that goes something like,"hurry up and f**k up". Slow and steady will win in the end.


Depends on how much experience you have. Nothing like repetitions to get it right. Practice makes perfect? I say perfect practice makes perfect!
Very Nice! I agree with you, Slow And Steady! At the rate that I'm building, I'll be lucky to Be finished by spring of 2016! :-)
Nice job. How many Mulligans does one get. I think I will be using my first shortly. LOL Very nice work.
I gotta cut my engine mounts so they will fit between frame rails. Picking up tranny mount this evening.
Like T-Test said, I think you're mounting way too low - we used the same engine mounts from RPM and made them flush with the top of the frame. This gives decent clearance and the trans does not intrude in the interior too much. We used a fiberglass trans tunnel from RPM and trimmed it down just a little. Here is a pic of the mount:

Like T-Test said, I think you're mounting way too low - we used the same engine mounts from RPM and made them flush with the top of the frame. This gives decent clearance and the trans does not intrude in the interior too much. We used a fiberglass trans tunnel from RPM and trimmed it down just a little. Here is a pic of the mount:

Thats what im shooting for. Gotta trim my mounts. Figured this best way to mark for cuts. Yall dont weld mounts on fram at same angel as engine? Mine will be tilted down on back edge so mount isnt in bind
Thats what im shooting for. Gotta trim my mounts. Figured this best way to mark for cuts. Yall dont weld mounts on fram at same angel as engine? Mine will be tilted down on back edge so mount isnt in bind

Look at picture of Ben's engine mount, especially the part that bolts to the block. 2 pieces, engine mount/block mount. Rubber in between.
Yes , mounts will work "in a bind" but won't last as long , I welded mine in at about 5* IIRC's been 15 years... if you have the rubber biscuits w/o a strap around them [like speedway sells] don't be surprised if they split [I only got 2 years out of mine] chassis engineering has the good ones w/the strap , mine have lasted 13 years , so far
Got frame mounts cut and reassembled to engine mounts. Trany mount bolted up and all is ready to weld. I think? Ill post mock up tonight so yall can see before i burn them in.

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