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Front axle clearance issue

Well, for one thing you need more than 3 leaves on that spring. Also, your batwings should set the spring back far enough so the axle rides just in front of it by maybe a half inch or more. Where did you get that spring? Most have 5-7 leaves.

Here, for comparison is one I was going to use at one time on my RPU. See how the spring sits further behind the axle so it can come up and not hit the perch?



A little hard to see in this one, but the best I have.


This view might show you the distance between the spring and axle better....

The spring came in the kit I ordered from RPM. I have another spring with 4 leaves but its not much better for clearance.

I am pretty sure this perch has to go. There is about 3/8 - 1/2 inch play on each side between the 4 bolts and the spring itself if the spring was moved forward 1/2 inch it would be okay.

Guess tomorrow I will go pick up some steel.
Bingo. The bolts that go down through the plate should just barely clear the spring on both sides, and the lip that hangs out in the front part of the perch should be just enough to give you some meat there. If the lip is too big it will protrude out into where the axle wants to be, and if you add in extra for the bolts not being tight against the spring you run into clearance issues. If it's any consolation, lots of us have had to cut off stuff and redo things..........I've done it more than I like to remember.

Why remove the whole perch. Fill the holes and move the bolt pattern out and re drill . Then make a new top plate.
rooster57 said:
Why remove the whole perch. Fill the holes and move the bolt pattern out and re drill . Then make a new top plate.

This would be my way to try and fix that perch. Looks like the front bolts are too far from the spring. Try slotting the front holes to move the bolts back, weld in the front of the hole, then trim the front of the perch off. We could make those bat wings longer and space everything farther apart, but when you do that it keeps making the wheelbase longer, and longer.
All the suggestions offered are good ones, here's my 2 cents. Cut that perch off. Lay out he holes for the perch bolts 2 1/4" apart. This will give you 1/8" for tweeking and alienment. Tack the new perch on at 5 degrees up from the frame rails. When you get some weight on the frame you can reposition the perch if necessary.

Between the 2 springs you have you can trim the leaves to get some height back in your final assembly. You will need at least 4 leaves and probably more for that sbc.

If when you assemble your front end, you find you need more clearence between the perch and the axle, you could use U-bolts in lieu of the 4 bolts and retainer plate. I have used the ones Speedway offers for this kind of set up.

You're doing a fine job here. Don't let set backs like this detur you. Building one of these great lil cars is nothing more than a series of problem solving. As Don said how many time have I cut someting off that just didn't work. I'm on the 3rd front perch on my '27.

Here's another clearance related question. In the tie rod through the batwings setup below, what are the critical clearance elements to avoid interference?
Also, was there a reason you went with the tie rod in front after this mockup?


Well in the end the perch came off. As I got into it I really started looking at the welds, and even to my novice welding eye: they were not safe. Almost looks like he welded it up with a 75amp welder in -20 degree weather.

Luckily this is the last thing on the frame he had welded on. I already removed his other work on the rear of the frame.

I will begin tomorrow with a new perch using the CCR plans I have. I will pick up some plate and start from scratch.
Rember the spring goes on top of the ccr perch. i had that one on my CCR frame i built and hated the look . "Sorry Ted " so i cut it off and welded one on thet was spring under. I think safer to. JMHO

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