I decided it was time for me go back and scrutinize every input parameter since it was too
easy in the beginning to be excited and to hurry thru, wanting to get some header
dimensions. So I went back and reviewed all my numbers for Pipemax and found an
error for the "Cylinder Head Exh Port Flow". I had 157 cfm and it should have been
174 cfm.
Then I remembered how the Pipemax forum had a thread that Larry Meaux had posted
called "How to use PipeMax v4.00 Correctly" which involves aligning Pipemax with your
dyno numbers. I don't have a actual dyno test, but I do have Dynomation simulation dyno
run. Anyway this opened another can of worms and level of complexity of Pipemax. I
had several posts and PM with Larry Meaux to clarify somethings.
The exchange starts with the second post in the link below:
MaxRaceSoftware • View topic - How to use PipeMax v4.00 correctly
I also started this thread on Monday November 11th. You should be able to read in this
forum, but you won't be able to post unless you own one his software packages.
MaxRaceSoftware • View topic - Pipemax 4.5 Questions
The new dimensions are shown below and out to the side are the old measurements so you
can see the changes. These inputs and dimensions could change again and probably will.