I don't know about anyone else, but I still get a belly full of butterflies every time I put a new car on the road or track. I find myself going over the car double & triple checking everything. First hundred miles is a little uneasy and the first 100+ mph bonzi I usually have a death grip on the wheel.
As far as 2O2F being a curmudgeon, he is gruff and doesn't sugar coat. I personally can appreciate that and in some ways much the same. He seems to think people such as myself want our egos stroked with the pictures we post. That is not my intent when I do post them. My intent is that someone less knowledgeable can see how something is done or someone with more knowledge can point out something I did wrong or perhaps has a better way. NO ONE knows everything.
The point of this forum is for folks to come together and learn. Not everyone is a craftsman or has been around cars most of their life. Everyone has to start somewhere and the best way to learn is by doing. Sure, like others on here I have seen cars I would consider unsafe, but what we don't know is what resources and budget they had to work with. Point is, they took the bull by the horns and did it and probably had more fun than me doing it.
So irishluck, I wish you all the best and look forward to following your progress. You started out here asking questions so you are already on your way to a successful project.