Also, my coworker couldnt be 100% sure if he took it off a versailles but was sure it was off something in the 70's.
Sooo guess finding parts for this will still be a bit of a challenge until i can figure out exactly what its off lol
I'm trying to figure out what had spring to chassis brackets like that.The guy had a 2nd axle and i grabbed it instead. Its a 58" maybe 58.5" axle. I have to tremove the tires off to get a good measurement. I think he said it was off a versa. The other one that was 68" looked to be off a ford van and he did measure it correctly.
Overall, I think this was 100% worth the $100 purchase. Now to get the brackets, clean the axle up and paint it and start mounting it all!
George, that rear end looks heavy duty! Pro mod?
G'Day George,
That's beautiful work there, the trailing arm flanges give a clue as to the torque going thru the housing, how many hours to build a housing like that??
I usually took Jack Daniels and or guns. Always seemed to workout pretty good.