An update a week in the making.
I had been fighting with fiberglass for a week, screwed up once, but in the end I got all the major stuff done there will be some more little fix it stuff to do but not much more then that.
So here we go:
Inside the body, Got the everything covered and the foot rests created, yes I see the big air bubble on the pass foot rest, its 3 layers deep and not a structural part so I should be safe!
Then the fun, frustrating and the part I screwed up, the bed stretch: (and the fun of cleaning the frame off from my messy glass work)
And the final bed with its internal structure, there will be a piece of sheet metal bent to fit the top:
Since its been rather warm in the garage I decided I needed to do some more interior work, I have the door panels left to do but could not make the templates until the glass work was done, now that its done I can make the panels:
First step template, both sides matched so it made things easier:
Transferred to 1/8 baltic birch plywood:
Copied for the other side:
For the door panels I plan on a 5 inch dark grey top that follows the contour of the body, with the bottom being black pleated vinyl. Here are the steps of me making the pleats....all 47 of them:
Laying out the lines: (They are 1 1/8 apart)
Weapon of choice for this task:
Almost half way through, the toughest part was fighting the awkward roll:
All the pleats done, I found it easier to sew all the pleats at once, from this I will cut out the two panels:
Not the best of pics:
After this was done I was cross eyed and ended things for the evening, tomorrow I will finish up the panels.