Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Nova Scotia Newbie

Yes, san-i-T the Cat is about 7 minutes drive away from my place.
If any of you ever cruise through I'd be glad to show you around if I am around. :biggrin:

Ron, I do have a couple of "once were roadster doors". But the outer skin is shot and the inner is .. well... shot too! Let me know what you find.
I'd be very happy with good pictures and measurements! :)
Our idea of rust here is usually worse that most folks. It isn't just the rusty edges.. the metal is worn thin so "fixing" isn't always reasonable.

I was hoping that I could hide the windshield stop area with the frame. I'm really not going for original duplication. Just want to have it look decent, run well and be as safe as I can be.

Good luck with the body for your customer.

Dan, I've been busy and haven't had a good look around here yet but.. yup.. this seems like a welcoming bunch and (I've said before) little "drama".
they called it the windshield stop on the cowl but it was actually there for the "T" rubber on the bottom of the lower window frame to seal against. most builders leave the rubber out and then wonder why they have a wet lapwhen water passes under the frame. if you can add a bead in this area, it will stiffen the top of the cowl sheet metal substancually. just good to know stuff.

Giz ... looked at my door this morning. i have one drivers door with a good usable inner. give me a week or so and i might be able to find a passenger door for you.

Wow Ron, that's great! Figure out a price. But, before you go too far... Minnesota to Nova Scotia, across the border?
I wonder what kind of shipping and duty would be involved?
Wonder who ships from there to here, reasonably.
hey giz...maybe we can find someone in Maine to send them to. lol

There's a thought. And if someone comes across on the "Cat" that's in my back yard (practically). Hmmm I must know someone that works on the boat to pick them up. Posibilities...
My budget for this doesn't exist so I need to watch the pennies. ;)
I guess most folks are in that boat about now.
But dad-gummit, I want to have a little fun for a change.
I'm always glad to help! Just let me know how I can.:lol:
Thanks man!

Rant /on
Right now I've been hunting how to actually buy some tee-shirts to help out!
Man.. It's WAY too easy to miss or I am getting REALLY blind.
I finally found it but only with the help of a search engine.
For future reference.. where the heck is the link to the store???
I see links on the side for donating but not purchases. I've hunted. Honest!
Maybe it's me (wouldn't surprise me). Maybe it's the site being updated or maybe it's just to darned hard to find.
I know this should be a question for another spot but since you guys are online.. you're it. ;)
Rant /off :o
At the top of the page you'll see Portal/Store/ store and your there.
Must be something wacky with my system. I'll clear the cache and stuff.
There is portal and other stuff but no store....
Whew... at least I was looking in the right place.
Thanks. :lol:
just as a point of reference, two weeks ago, a pair of excellent '27 roadster doors sold on e-bay for........ready??...................$514!!!!!!! that's gotta be a record!! don't worry giz...i won't hold you up that bad. do you have latches?

GizmoJoe said:
Something for me to puzzle over. :) (after Tuseday night bench-racing ;) )
I'll dig.
Thanks Rick.

Might need to try a different skin. Front page toward the bottom on the left.
That did it Todd! Thanks. I wouldn't have thought of that. Never had to do that on a board before.
Man.. I was REALLY beginning to think I was losing "it" more than usual! :confused:

Now.. Ron... five hundred and fourteen bloody dollars for doors!? :eek:
I can bend a LOT of tin.. and throw away the "seconds". Twice! Great jumpin catfish!
For 514 bucks I would want someone to run next to my car and open the door for me!
Man.. maybe I'm in the wrong world.

And yes, I do have latches.

Now that I can get to the store I can go order some stuff.

514 bucks.. wow......
i know Giz....that's why i saved these doors. going price for a workable door is 125 to 150 on e-bay. i bought the last front half of a touring for 200 just for a great set of doors. sold the firewall for 35 and the seat riser for 25. still have a good stock dash. so far i have 140 in my doors with hinges and latches. stuff is still out there just gotta look for it.


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