You can just make a bracket from the higher stock rad mount, down to the bottom of the rad, across to the other side. leave a tab on the bottom new plate 1/8th material, about 2 to 3 inches wide, now bolt a plate to the bottom of the frame, from side to side. 3/16th will be best here, now bolt the two together with rubber washers, or muffler rubbers, or soft rubber sheet stock 1/4' plus stock on both the top and between the new plates.. You will not need any brace rods, as they just tend to tear the Rad apart, rather than help... use molded hoses top and bottom, never the bend type, as they are too hard on Rad hose connections... and the moulded hoses will hold the rad plenty tight.. If you test your fan pull power when finished, see if it will hold a shop towel to the front of the Rad while idelling, try and keep the fan blade about 3/4 of an inch from the core... If it does not hold the towel, make sure your water pump pully is the smallest one you can find, as this will speed things up, and help a ton with cooling. PS, don't forget to keep enough advance in your timing to keep it cool also, that is where too much compression kills street rods, with this crap gas... Good luck, I know you can do this for very little money, and build that cover with Steel, not Alum, paint it to match your car... any questions, call me direct.. (661) 203-0165