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Spark plug wires


Staff member
I am running an Accel 52000 breakerless distributor in my bucket. I am also using Taylor solid core wires. I read recently that this is a big no-no with breakerless distributors, as it will fry the module in the distributor. Is that true??? Should I change to suppression type wires?

(This is me when it comes to electrics . . . )

How long has your combination been working? Solid core wires are real noisy for electrical components. Think static in am radios. I don’t think it would fry the electronics but to be safe I think I’d replace wires. They are cheaper than the distributer electronics.
If you're worried or just want/need to change wires, look at Taylor Spiro-Pro 8mm wires. I think spiral wound wires are the best for engines that are built for performance but not race only. If you have lots of compression/cylinder pressure bigger spark is needed, hence solid core wires, but for most of us, solid core is not necessary, and might even piss off the MSD box if you have one.
I downloaded a sheet from ACCEL for the 52000 distributor and they said "Do NOT use solid metal core spark plug wires." I guess that settles it. Gotta git sum wahrs! :confused:
Thanks you guys for all the comments. I'll get by with a little help from my friends! :D:thumbsup:
Resistor wires limit the current, which reduces RFI (radio frequency interference). RFI can make noise in your radio and can mess with electronics like fuel injection and ignition boxes. Resistor wires will also add lifetime to the coil and distributor and plugs. And new resistor wires are cheap and you can pick color and size. I like Taylor with molded plug connectors. Since I must compensate for my many insecurities I use their Thundervolt 10.4mm wires. But look at all the choices for 8mm: spiro-pro Treat yourself, Spanky, we only go around once!
FYI, I recently converted a tractor to electronic ignition. The previous owner put new belden wires on it, I neglected to verify if they were solid or carbon core. Well, they were solid and it burnt the Hall effect sensor out in short order. After retracing everything and talking to Pertronix tech guys I learned of my mistake. They did NOT mention this in the installation or on line trouble shooting documents. Anyways, better safe than sorry.
Again, thanks to you all for the advice and encouragement. I purchased some Taylor Spiro-Pro wires for the bucket. Looks like I'll be doing some cutting and crimping! :rolleyes::p


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