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Starting on the rebuild.

first off fred, i am so glad to see you back here again. welcome back my friend!!

now for a few random thoughts about Miss B. start the rebuild just like you built her in the first place. don't get too far ahead of yourself. get that frame right and then go from there. if it is bent, out of square, etc, fix that first. then replace that front cross member. one thing you have working in your favor is the fact that total left some extra length in your side rails so you can cut them a couple of inches shorter without any problems.

now for the beam axle. the axle mikey dropped for you is a '37 to '40. the holes for the spring perches are too far apart for a 31" spring (stock'28 thu '34 spring length) to mount over the axle with stock type parts. there is a way it can be done and i can walk you through it if you want.

next your beam axle with the spring mounted over it is going to raise the front of your frame. to get it back down where it was before you are going to have to raise the spring mounting pad on the cross member at least 3". i have a 28" length of 2 1/4" pipe that will work for the cross member and can build the spring perch for you as my donation to the rebuild.

one last thing, new heims are cheap insurance!!!
Thanks, Ron. I'm going a different route on the "I" beam and I'm with you on the heims. Thanks for the tips.

... after work, I started disconnecting the wiring that ran from the front of the car to the inside. I marked and labeled the wires that may get mixed up. I'm sure glad I kept a copy of the schematic for a situation like this, but the wiring is fairly simple and it will be a snap to connect everything up when I go to put her back together. Again, my appoligies for no pics. I was tired when I got off work and too lazy to get the dang camera. Or, maybe I was too excited about getting to work on her. Yea, that's it. Just like in the beginning, building is the best part of the journey.:lol:

Okay, here are the pics of what has been removed thus far.



Well, nothing to see really. Just most of the bent stuff removed. Today, I disconnected the rest of the wires and other items. The body is ready to be removed. I labeled everything so it will be easy to put back together.

Oh, on a light note. Here's a chunk of HPD car that my left steering arm tore out. I'm gonna frame it.:)

Hey Fred! good to see you at it again, and really good to see that the damage isn't as bad as originally thought. Good luck with the rebuild!!
Good to see ya back at it Fred. Now is the perfict time to do all of the if 's (the if you had to do it all over agins) you always want to do after the fact and knowing that you had a few miles on her Im sure you had some we all do Good Luck and keep up the good I mean excellant work.
LumenAl said:
Looks like my old headlights didn't survive did they?

Actually, they faired very well. The lense is craked on the right one, but no scratches or dents. They'll find their way back on the rebuild.

The mirrors made it too.:lol:

Tomorrow, I plan to remove the body and engine/tranny. Should go quick, the engine/tranny ripped off their mounts. I'm still not sure how they didn't fall out during the tow from the accident.:confused:
Moving right along

Today was the first full day I've had to work on transforming Miss behavin'. I think I got quite a bit done. So, here are the pics.

First I removed the body and set it up so I could roll it around, if I needed to.

With the body removed, it was easy to check for hidden damage. The Lokar shifter is toast. As is the tranny cooler and the battery. I already knew about this, so no tears were shed.


The engine and tranny had been ripped from their mounts (I still don't know how they stayed on the frame while the car got towed down the freeway), so removing the assembly from the frame went quick and trouble free.

So, here's the chassis all naked. As you can see, putting things back on should be a breeze. None of the brake lines were bent or crushed and the same can be said of the fuel line. I got a tape and check the frame for square and she was good! I was VERY lucky.

After I wiped the frame down, I decided to mock up the radiator and grill shell. I was "feeling it". The radiator came from Tbucketlar on the Tbucketeers forum and the grill shell came from HAMB member, Flatheadete. Thanks, guys.

I think the radiator is a Total unit and one of their thick ones, but it had a rounded top.:confused: It should do as well or better than what I had. I'll probably cut down the dummy neck and go with a cap or the top off a jar of pickeled artichoke hearts.:welcome: Now, the grill shell has a few minor dings and a tiny bit of surface. I'll tap out most of the dings and take care of the rust, then paint the inserts black.


As you can see, the shell is way longer than the radiator, so I'll trim out about 6". But the fit width wise and the look are just what I wanted. I'm not going to make the grill look perfect for two reasons. First, it's in good shape. Second, Flatheadpete (HAMBer) was the first person of many who offered to send me something to not only get her going again, but to keep me motivated. I was in a very dark place for a while and stuff like the radiator and this grill, really helped keep my spirits going. So, the little dings will give this plastic car some soul and when asked why the radiator and shell aren't all shiney and new, I'll tell 'em the story of Miss Behavin' and where the parts came from.

Once again, the hot rod community comes through. I'll shine the spot light on you other guys as I come to your stuff, but I just want you all to know I can't thank you enough. The Tbucketeers and the HAMB are truly the two best hot rod sites on the net. Thank you.

You are doing awesome; but, I think you are missing something. Your ability to select good, solid robust parts and not skimp on the necessities is also shown in the condition of the remains of Miss Behavin'. To all the young guys out there...THIS is why you don't build a chassis out of tinfoil tubing.
On a funny note, ask the cop to autograph your bucket?
TheAntiBoyd said:
On a funny note, ask the cop to autograph your bucket?

No, I don't want that, but I do want an appoligy. See, I'm sure when he woke up, went to work and got on duty, he wasn't thinking, "Hey, I think I'll hit a hot rod today." It was an accident, BUT the way he acted after the accident is what I'll never forget. He was yelling that I was at fault, and he never asked how I was or if I was hurt. All he kept doing was yell that I was at fault. He did offer me some bottled water, but only after other officers had showed up. He displayed the type of behavior I'd expect from some wacko citizen. As a police officer, who has had training on how to deal with the public is stress situations, I hold him and his peers to a higher standard. He did not display that higher standard that day.

He went wacko and he owes me an appoligy for that. I'll get it, even if I have to go before our city council. My voice will be heard.
Some people put on their uniform and with it, brings an "us" and "them" mentality. I was a security guard and supervisor for 5yrs. A good number of my guys were absaolute jerks when they had a gun on their hip...and 180* different off-duty. I sure hope you get the appology you are looking for, you deserve one. And, if you ever get Miss Behavin to Syracuse, NY...Im buyin you a beer and some Buffalo wings...Perhaps you could stop by Todd's and pick up him and his corn liquor whiskey drink. A lil high Octane never hurt anyone...err well maybe a lil
Re: All hail the BIG brown truck!

Today the first shipment of parts arrived. Spindles and king pins, along with various pieces needed to get my new frontend done. The "I" beam axle won't get here until Tuesday. I can't wait to see it. I opted not to go drilled and saved a few bucks, but I have a very funny feeling I'll want to drill it when it arrives. It really doesn't matter if it's drilled or not. Either way, it will give me the look that is floating in my head.

Tomorrow, I'll test fit the brakes to the spindle, so I won't be fumbling when I have to do it later on. As in my first time building, having to wait for stuff gives me a chance to control my enthusiasm and avoid mistakes. I also plan to check out the engine and may even clean it off and apply some paint this weekend. The water pump got smashed so hard back towards the block, that it won't even turn. I may try to fix it or just get another one. Heck, it was only $30 at the auto parts store. I'm sure glad it wasn't a chrome one.

I'll post pics of tomorrows activities. Things are moving right along and I'm in a happy place. One thing I did today was stop and remember just how much fun I have when I'm doing something I love.

Stay tuned. Miss Fortune is entering the building.

I'm glad to hear and see that you are working on your car. I'm more impressed that you are holding out for a simple apology from the police officer. I agree with you, he should have handled himself better.

Now, let me know when you want me to hold that camera again when we go for a ride in the new Miss B. :lol::lol:
New brakes and spindle

Today was a short day due to the cold weather. Yea, you northern guys can razz me. It was in the 50's with a good wind.:o Not so cold for you guys, but it was 77 yesturday, so I was moving slower than usual. Living in Texas has turned me into a weather wuss.:lol:

First thing I did was lay out the parts and instructions. As you can see, I'm going with a GM rotor setup and 37'-48' spindles with the chevy bolt pattern.



Everything went together as it was supposed too. I only packed the inner bearing and didn't use the grade 8 bolts and lock nuts, as I was just mocking things up. When it gets warmer, I'll paint the calipers and brackets.


Man, there's nothing like the look of new stuff. Next week, the rest of the suspension stuff will arrive and I'll mock it up as well. Stay tuned. It's only going to get better.:D

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