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tfeverfred's project

RPM said:
Here the glass runs about $50.00:)

Yea, same around here, too. But I have a budget and I stick to it. Needless to say, it's caused some nail biting moments in the past. I don't have a wife to explain to, all I have is me and I'm tiugh when it comes to discipline.
Lose 4" Now!!!

Okay, they stay!:D I dropped 'em down to the posts and all is copacetic!:D Don't know why I had stuck 'em so high to begin with. Just didn't know, I guess.:o

The brass seems to add just that odd shot of flasm. Being mounted close to the chrome posts, it's almost as if they are one. Twin brothers of different mothers, if you will. Or, the bad girl (you know the one) at the dance, wearing the stolen ear rings! Yea, like that!;)

So, what do you think?




Re: Lose 4" Now!!!

There ya go that looks waaaaay better ,,:D
Re: Lose 4" Now!!!

RocknT said:
There ya go that looks waaaaay better ,,:D

Thanks, Rockn. I'm glad they turned out because I really do like them a lot.

I can hardly wait for the glass. Once it's in, that will be it as far as how she looks. Looking from the side, she has a nice rack. When the glass is installed, the engine will be reflected in the glass and that will make for a nice view. Speaking of the engine, the valve covers and intake were cheapos that I scored off Ebay. In the future, she'll be wearing a set of finned Cal Customs, but at almost $200, they will wait.
Re: Lose 4" Now!!!

Much better Fred, :cool: The finned valve covers and air cleaner will add a lot to the look. :D
Re: Lose 4" Now!!!

I like'll like it even more when you get her painted.
Re: Lose 4" Now!!!

Yogi said:
I like'll like it even more when you get her painted.

You're right, Yogi. My friend in Pearland has a guy who shoots all his cars and he says he'll shoot it for me this winter at no charge. I'll have to get the supplies and help, but it was a great offer and I couldn't say no.

Now, the question is, as my girl has said before, will I want to take her apart for it!?:D
Re: Lose 4" Now!!!

Now, the question is, as my girl has said before, will I want to take her apart for it!?:D[/quote]

For a free paint job? Hell ya!!!

Re: Lose 4" Now!!!

tfeverfred said:
You're right, Yogi. My friend in Pearland has a guy who shoots all his cars and he says he'll shoot it for me this winter at no charge. I'll have to get the supplies and help, but it was a great offer and I couldn't say no.

Now, the question is, as my girl has said before, will I want to take her apart for it!?:D

It's the right way to do her! :D
Re: Lose 4" Now!!!

Youngster said:
For a free paint job? Hell ya!!!


Without a single doubt, my friend!:D
Finned Valve Covers

tfeverfred said:
...the valve covers and intake were cheapos that I scored off Ebay. In the future, she'll be wearing a set of finned Cal Customs, but at almost $200, they will wait.

Hey Fred...

I read this and a light went off... dug around the garage and found these... need a little polish, but if you're interested, same deal as before...

Re: Finned Valve Covers

LumenAl said:
Hey Fred...

I read this and a light went off... dug around the garage and found these... need a little polish, but if you're interested, same deal as before...


HOLY CRAP!:eek: Finger shaking and PM sent!
Re: Finned Valve Covers

LumenAl said:
OK... I'll clean them up (just a little :D ) and get them off to ya!

NO! Leave 'em! I need something to do!:D While waiting for my title and tags!
Re: Finned Valve Covers

Hey Al I need a quick change for my modified. You wouldn't have.........................

Re: Finned Valve Covers

:rofl: ya got two? :lol: Just kiddin' Al
*rubs forehead* Need... Navaro flathead.... with... 2 Stromberg setup....:lol:

Go check the goodie bin.:lol:

Of course, if that worked, I'm going to be mad for not wishing for $1,000,000!:eek::mad::lol:
FIRE! FIRE in the hole!

Well, actually, fire in the bucket. The gauges arrived today from RPM and look really nice. So, after work, I get down to connecting them up. First, I rechecked where I wanted to mount them, before I started drilling holes in the dash. All went well. I took my time and drilled the holes no problem.

Being that this gauge setup is mechanical, I needed to drill a hole going through the firewall to run the connection for the temp gauge and a line for the oil pressure gauge. Yea, it took a lot of self debate before I drilled that hole, but I'll be able to plug it with a grommet when I'm done running the lines.

I needed some connections for the oil gauge hookup, so it would have to wait until tomorrow. The temp gauge went right in with no problem. I ran my car for a while to make sure it worked. Now, the instructions for the SunPro voltmeter said to use 18 Gauge wire for the connections going to my ignition switch and ground. That is what I used. Well, about 3 seconds after I turned the key to start my car.......POOF!!! Smoke EVERYWHERE! MY CAR WAS ON FIRE!!!! :eek::eek::eek: Well, not my car, just a little piece of the kick panel carpet and the ENTIRE length of wire going to my ground! Plus, a fuse blew! Needless to say, I was in total panic mode! No fire extinguisher handy, but luckily, I was able to pat it out rather quickly. No real damage, just a small burn in the kick panel, but the entire wire was toast. I called KaolaT (exjunk) and we pretty much got it figured out what happened. Basicly, those instructions must be wrong. 18 gauge wire is not big enough. I replaced it with 14 and all is well.

So, I have a temp gauge, voltmeter and a lesson in Ohm's lay! Sorry, due to the emergency, there are no pics, but I'll take a couple tomorrow after I install the oil pressure gauge.

Wow. What a night.
Glad all is well, note to self add fire extingusher.

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