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Here's a couple night shots. Again, sorry for the camera, but I think you can see that the lights are working.
Now, a little talk about a problem I had today. See, I lay out my wires along the route I want to put them. Well, when I ran the wires up into the body, I didn't drill a hole in the left front corner of my floor like I had intended. In my haste to get everything laid out, I just snuck them up into the body through the hole where the brake pedal goes. After I had finished laying out the wires, I trimmed them to length and attached them accordingly. I checked the lights and everything seemed fine. Then I hopped in and decided to drive her outside of the shop for some pics. I drove about 30' and heard a muffled pop. Then, the lights went out!

CRAP! The DEVIL! So, I check everything and it was a fuse that was installed in the wiring to prevent frying stuff. I replaced it and this time the lights IMMEDIATELY went out!

So, I called KaolaT for advice. After a little time checking things out, I found the problem. The wires I had routed up through the floor, next to the brake peddle, had somehow gotten tangled in the steering U-joint.

One of the wires shredded and the bare copper was causing a short.
Lesson learned from this: Curb your enthusiasm! Check EVERYTHING and then CHECK it again!
Now, on a pleasant note, one of the things KaolaT had setup in his system was that the lights will only work if the car is on or the key is turned to accessory. The lights will not come on if someone decides to play around and turn my lights on when I'm not around. I'm not sure if everyone sets theirs up this way, but I thought it great and worth mentioning.