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tfeverfred's project

Lookin good Fred!! Really like the tail lights. The fuel tank looks like it belongs there (IMO). Need to get one of those for

BTW - Did you ever decide on a paint color?
Tell you this Fred.....Miss Behavin is looking so good. I've been watching your build for some time now and I Don't know what it is, but I really like the white body!
Hey Fred, Miss Behavin sure has a nice lookin' rearend. :D
hey fred did you get haywire fuse block ? mine still has not come in yet ??
oh by the way very nice tank
RocknT said:
hey fred did you get haywire fuse block ? mine still has not come in yet ??

Yea, it came today. You may want to call them to see when they shipped. My order went in Monday.
Yogi said:
Tell you this Fred.....Miss Behavin is looking so good. I've been watching your build for some time now and I Don't know what it is, but I really like the white body!

Thanks! It has grown on me too and the tank really set it off. I can't shake the image of a black T Bucket, but the white looks so good and it is so trouble free. It will definately stay white till winter and by then I'll have made up my mind.
yep i guess i better i ordered it last week ?
Planning for the rumble!

My boss had to go to Europe yesturday and Fridays are usually kinda slow. I have been going over the remainder of KoalaT's schematics and had to check with him about wiring my lights to the switch I got from Speedway. He responded quickly and I should be able to get my switch to work like the one in his drawing. So, if the day is slow, I may at least choose colors for the wires I plan to run for my lights, measure my wire lengths and decide placement of components.

One thing I noticed, when I got my fuse box, was the height. It's a tad over 4" and I'm really glad I added an inch to my seat bottom. Before I went home yesturday, I used contractors cement to glue a 1/4" piece of plywood to the floor of my seat compartment. This is where I'll attach the fuse box. You guys with a wooden floor will be able to skip this step.

So, those are the plans for today. Research and planning in order to make the remainder of my wiring go as trouble free as possible. If things go as planned, by tomorrow afternoon I'll have lights!

The DEVIL is intimidating, but I AM going to win this fight! Having done my ignition and charging last weekend has my ego pretty pumped. I actually look forward to tackling this last phase. If successful, be prepared for VIDEO! Miss Behavin' is such a slave for the camera!:D
LIGHTS! Go into the LIGHT!

Okay, as it turns out, doing the starting/ignition was either the easy part or I was lucky. I'm at work and it's slow, like it is every Friday. So, I figure I'll knock out the front lights and maybe the tail lights. Everything actually went pretty cut and dried. Hooked it up directly to the battery and went for the test and.... LIGHTS!:welcome: Except for one turn signal.:eek::confused: So, I start checking my connections for loose wires. I even took everything apart and redid it! Still only one turn signal. Then, I checked the bulb. Blown! A brand new bulb in a new light! Not to worry, I cruise up to the parts store to get another one. No luck. Turns out it is some weird, off brand bulb. Heck, Radio Shack didn't have it either. So, I called Speedway and they are going to send me a pair at no charge. I calmed down and had a smoke or three and now I'm debating on doing the tail lights this evening or tomorrow. Anyway, here's the pics of wire laid out, the dimmer and switch setup and the lights working (-1).



Hey for thought.........
are the little "prongs" on your bulb straight across from one another, or are they off-set like an 1157??

if they are straight across, they are VW bulbs..............experience is a hard teacher:surprised::mad:

I ran into that problem with my Coupe. it has "pony" lights for front turn signals................they take VW bulbs.......... who'd a thunk it:eek:

Coupefreak said:
Hey for thought.........
are the little "prongs" on your bulb straight across from one another, or are they off-set like an 1157??

if they are straight across, they are VW bulbs..............experience is a hard teacher:surprised::mad:

I ran into that problem with my Coupe. it has "pony" lights for front turn signals................they take VW bulbs.......... who'd a thunk it:eek:


Nope, the prongs are staggered. No worries. Speedway is sending two more and next time I order something, I'll get a few more.
Night Life!

Just a teaser. The camera is my bosses and not that good for night stuff. Plus, I forgot to charge it. I guess I was busy with other stuff. Anyway....

More pics

Here's a couple night shots. Again, sorry for the camera, but I think you can see that the lights are working.



Now, a little talk about a problem I had today. See, I lay out my wires along the route I want to put them. Well, when I ran the wires up into the body, I didn't drill a hole in the left front corner of my floor like I had intended. In my haste to get everything laid out, I just snuck them up into the body through the hole where the brake pedal goes. After I had finished laying out the wires, I trimmed them to length and attached them accordingly. I checked the lights and everything seemed fine. Then I hopped in and decided to drive her outside of the shop for some pics. I drove about 30' and heard a muffled pop. Then, the lights went out!:eek: CRAP! The DEVIL! So, I check everything and it was a fuse that was installed in the wiring to prevent frying stuff. I replaced it and this time the lights IMMEDIATELY went out!:eek: So, I called KaolaT for advice. After a little time checking things out, I found the problem. The wires I had routed up through the floor, next to the brake peddle, had somehow gotten tangled in the steering U-joint.:o One of the wires shredded and the bare copper was causing a short.

Lesson learned from this: Curb your enthusiasm! Check EVERYTHING and then CHECK it again!

Now, on a pleasant note, one of the things KaolaT had setup in his system was that the lights will only work if the car is on or the key is turned to accessory. The lights will not come on if someone decides to play around and turn my lights on when I'm not around. I'm not sure if everyone sets theirs up this way, but I thought it great and worth mentioning.
Re: More pics

Great Fred, the devil lost this round. :welcome:
Re: More pics

VegasBruce said:
Great Fred, the devil lost this round. :welcome:

Thanks! After I took the pics, I drove it up to the gas station around the corner from me. I wanted to get some gas to make marks for a wooden dowel that I'll be using for a gas gauge. It was my first night drive!:D Man, the lights shining through the wire spokes on the frontend sure do look cool!

There were a few people at the gas station and for this area, seeing a hot rod prowling around was a treat for them. I got approval from everyone excepy a ricer guy in a Honda Civic, who decided he needed to squeal his tires when he left.:lol: What a sheep!:lol:
Also, there's a strange tire mark in the drive way of where I work.:confused: Darn juvenile delinquents!:welcome: There needs to be a law!
tfeverfred said:
Also, there's a strange tire mark in the drive way of where I work.:confused: Darn juvenile delinquents!:welcome: There needs to be a law!

Yep them darn kids, they left some in my driveway too. :whistle:
Hey Sparky...It's all good man. Try not to focus on the twinkling lights. All kinds of things will bring you back to reality, like horns blowing, little old ladies crossing the steet and ricers that don't know how to get out of the way.

Seriously...I'm sure the fact that you tackled the wiring will prompt others to have a go at it too. Thanks for the post.


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