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tfeverfred's project

Re: More pics

tfeverfred said:
I got approval from everyone excepy a ricer guy in a Honda Civic, who decided he needed to squeal his tires when he left.:lol: What a sheep!:lol:

always remember, you could most likely pass him while doing a FULL burnout

tires aren't supposed to squeal, they are supposed to sound like frying bacon and popping concrete

before they repaved my street, there were a set of burnout marks over a foot wide, 25 feet long and a 1/2 inch deep. THATS the way to do it! Im pretty sure they were made by a certian pink '68 firebird drag car.
Re: More pics

^5 Fred man your cooking right along ,,,, Talked to Haywire they apologized for not getting my order out and were real nice to talk to said my order will go out first thing monday morning ,,,
Re: More pics

RocknT said:
^5 Fred man your cooking right along ,,,, Talked to Haywire they apologized for not getting my order out and were real nice to talk to said my order will go out first thing monday morning ,,,

That's good, man. Once you see it, you rea;ise it was worth the wait. It's real straight forward.

I didn't do anything today on my bucket except barn storm the street a few times!:lol: I worked with the mechanic friend of mine and was hoping it would be slow, like last Saturday, but he had some nice jobs roll in. I didn't want to start and have to keep stopping, so I'll finish up tomorrow. I'll get an early start and hopefully, I'll have good news to report.

Hopefully!? I WILL have good news to report!

I DID IT! I WIRED MY CAR WITHOUT A KIT! I had a couple minor problems today, but that was due to the type of horn I used and I also had a problem with my car wanting to run when it was cut off.

Before I go on, I just want to thank KaolaT for all his help. I also want to thank everyone who gave me words of support and encouragement. You guys are the best! I also want to give a HUGE thanks to "TooMany2count". He's a member on the HAMB website and he helped me with the "run on" problem.

So, I didn't get a chance to take pics because once I got rolling, I dared not stop! Everything went smooth. I had a minor problem with my Speedway signal switch, but KaolaT helped me with it. I also worked out a problem with my tail light flasher, but that was a lucky guess!:lol:

Now, the problem with run on when you use a 3 wire alternator in a HEI setup can be solved by doing this:

"To correct the run on problem you need to go to your local Radio Shack and buy part number 276-1661. It comes in a pack of 4 diodes for about $2.75, but you will only use one. The diode will go inline in the Exciter wire (#914). The body of the diode should have a stripe on one end. The stripe needs to point towards the alternator. The diode is a one way electrical valve that will not allow the alternator to feedback to the ignition system when you turn the key off."

That money saving tip was given by "TooMany2count" from the HAMB. It worked and I'm getting ready to take a "test drive"!

I'll post pics when I get back!
Re: Success!

Way to go Fred ,,!!!!!!!!!
Re: Success!

RocknT said:
Way to go Fred ,,!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
Pic and a VIDEO!

Here's a pic of my interior. I used the signal switch from Speedway and while it is bigger than I thought it was going to be, it is a nice, well made unit. I had to mount it on the right side due to how I enter my bucket, but surprisingly, it isn't awkward at all to operate.


And as promised..... VIDEO!:lol:

Re: Success!

tfeverfred said:
I DID IT! I WIRED MY CAR WITHOUT A KIT!__________________

Great its looking good Fred, cool vid too! :lol:
engine24355 said:
As always, great job Fred. I actually just ordered a turn signal switch from Speedway too. Any advice or tips on installation?

It will depend on your fuse box. Speedways switch comes with a great, straight forward schematic. In my installation, I used a Haywire fuse box. The Speedway schematic shows ONE 3 way signal flasher. My Haywire box had a 2 prong signal flasher and a 2 prong hazard flasher. What I ended up doing was connecting both the BLACK and BLUE wire to my HAZARD connection on the fuse box. Then everything worked correctly.

The signal swith is nice. It has two little green, plastic dots and a red hazard looking dot that at first look like they would light up to indicate left or right and hazard, but it seems they are for decoration only. If they do light up, I didn't see a connection for the lighting or maybe I did something wrong, which is possible.

It also has a little weight to it. The body is metal, but the switch arm is plastic and looks like it would break easily if you hit it hard enough while getting in your car. The size of it is okay and the arm sticks out about 6" from the switch body. For that reason, I mounted mine on the opposite side of the column due to the way I step in my bucket. I had considered cutting the arm down to about 4", but then it just wouldn't look right.

One more thing, I read on the HAMB, that while the signal swith with the green knob looks cool, it is crap. I don't know why, but there were a lot of people who gave it a bad rating.

I hope this helps.:lol:
Fred: I don't think those little lights are just for decoration. They are suppose to show what's working.
butch27 said:
Fred: I don't think those little lights are just for decoration. They are suppose to show what's working.

I kinda figured that. I'll call Speedway and see how I can get them to work. It doesn't effect how they work, but I'd like them to do what they are supposed to. You know how us guys just love gadgets that light up!:lol:
Steering column bracket

As you may recall, I had purchased a sweet column bracket from LowRollerChevy. Today, I put a sander to it, then I lightly sprayed it with black paint. Then, I steel wooled most of the paint off to leave an antique appearance to it. Then I reinstalled it:


The white zip ties will be replaced with black ones very soon. I'm using them because I like the "backyard racer" look. Kinda the way a kid would have done it back when, if he would have had zip ties, that is.:lol:

A little soul from a fellow bucket head and cool fabricator! Good in all your endeavors, LowRollerChevy!:D
I almost a step!:o I sprayed it with clear, THEN I reinstalled it!:lol:
Nice Fred. :cool:
VegasBruce said:
Nice Fred. :cool:

Nice idea, Bruce.

I forgot to call Speedway about what may or may not be lights on the signal switch. The directions don't mention them and it seems like they would. The catalog and website don't mention anything about lights either. I'm getting old. I'll make a note so I won't forget to call Speedway tomorrow.:o

I also had to laugh at myself this morning. I noticed Iwas almost out of gas in my regular car and realized my T Bucket has a full tank and I can't really drive it anywhere!:D Irony supreme.

That switch is the same one that I have. It has a single small bulb inside that is attached to the arm that is powered by the blue wire. It lights up whatever colored window it happens to be under.

You may have a bad bulb or bad ground since you said you hooked the blue wire up.

Good job BTW.


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