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Vacuum Bleeding Brakes


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In a lot of cases vacuum bleeding can be just as effective as pressure bleeding the brake system.

•Always make certain that the master cylinder reservoir is filled and that a supply of new, clean fluid of the proper type is on hand to top off the reservoir as the fluid level drops during bleeding.
•Slip 1 1⁄2” of tubing between the pump and the lid of reservoir at port marked “TO PUMP” and attach the 3 1/2” plastic hose to the bottom of the cap.
•Affix at least a 12” piece of tubing to the other reservoir jar port. Be certain that the cover of the reservoir jar is secure.
•Select the appropriate adapter(s). The L-shaped universal adapters should fit snugly over the brake bleeding fitting in order to seal properly. The tapered adapters fit inside the thru-hole of fitting and will generally seal well when inserted tightly with a pressing and twisting motion. Attach adapter to reservoir hose.
•Place wrench on brake bleeding fitting. Attach adapter and pump assembly, and pump 10 to 15 times.
•After evacuating about 2-inches of fluid into the jar, close the fitting and refill the master cylinder with new brake fluid. Repeat all previous steps on all remaining wheels.
•If fluid is not drawn into the jar after opening the fitting, make certain the lid of the jar is tight. You will not be able to produce the necessary vacuum in the jar if the lid does not fit securely. Occasionally some dirt will get into the brake line, in which case the pump may not be totally effective. If this happens, have someone touch the brake pedal once lightly, with the bleeding valve open, then proceed to use the pump.
•Before test-driving, check the pedal, it should feel firm when depressed and it should hold constant pressure without dropping
When I vacuum bleed brakes I have found that air is drawn around the threads of the bleeder valve, so I take them out and put some thread tape around the threads being careful to not get any tape on the seat part of the valve. I don't remove the tape when I am finished, just tighten as normal. I have found this to work very well.
I have used grease instead of thread tape. Seams to work okay. Guess I never considered thread tape. Funny how minds differ for like jobs.
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I always worry that some of the air drawn past the threads will end up on the wrong side of the bleeder, but that never seems to happen. I use a Mityvac hand pump, and despite all the air that bubbles through the bleeder, the end result is always satisfactory.

I use the Pheonix pressure system, that way I don't empty the mastercylinder, I push fluid from the wheel cylinder end toward to MC, but thats just me. Yes, its more expensive, but its brake guy loves the thing....its like a new toy to him. Now he's looking forward for brakes to do....

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