Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

White T II

Is your pickup box going to stay separate or are you going to mold it to the body?
I scribed the box to the body so that when it is bolted to the body it looks like they are one piece, but in reality they are free to move independently. This gives the molded look, but without the danger of cracking. It is not hard to do, ask me if you need details.
I'll take you up on that offer. If I recall, you did cabinet making for a living? I've got some tools (table saw, band saw, planer. jointer) but I sure don't have your skills! The box you had shown was excellent. The scribing part is what I always seem to have difficulty with. I'll scribe and then cut. Never seems to fit correctly, don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've got some 3/4 baltic birch plywood but I'm afraid it's to heavy for a box.
I guess I am going to have to postpone the pictures of scribing the bed to the body, I had to put the White T on hold because we are packing for the move to Yuma. Once there I have at least a year of building cabinetry for the new house, so I won't get back to the White T for quite a while. I never leave a project unfinished however, so it will be completed. All it really needs is paint and graphics, should be easy after all the rest of the house stuff is out of the way. Nevertheless, I did get the 409 transformed from 6 deuces to 2-4's on new Edelbrock aluminum heads, it runs very strong. It is not as interesting as it was with the 6 deuces, but it is easier to tune.

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Lookin real nice !

Don't forget to take the ratchet off the crank before you start it ! :D
Funny thing. You mention the ratchet. Many years ago a friend was replacing the clutch in his car and in doing so, he had a socket and ratchet on the crank shaft pulley bolt to turn the motor.. He remove the ratchet but the socket stuck and stayed there! He started up the car and there was a loud squealing noise he couldn't figure where it was coming from.He asked me to come and have a look. A quick look and I saw the socket stuck on the crank bolt. When the fan came around, It hit the socket and stopped turning. Easy fix. We had a good laugh!!

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