Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Northstar T is taking shape

I did a starter on a tacoma and the starter was under the intake pointed toward the flywheel. Can you say fun?

ha ha. ya.. I always get raised eyebrows when I tell people where my starter is located, but actually it's really easy to remove the intake on one of these because there is no water, exhaust or oil circulation in the manifold. 10 bolts and unplug a couple weatherpac connectors and it's off. takes about 10 minutes in the T. a bit longer when it's still in the Cadillac
. I didn't know the Tacoma had a similar setup. is it a dry setup also?

Whewww. A lot was accomplished in the N* garage this weekend. Friday and Saturday were brakes and plumbing. today I re-configured the engine management wiring harness to fit the T, and hooked everything up. I ran out of wire loom from about the trans back, but everything is hooked up and operational, right out to the ignition switch.It doesn't look like much in the picture... which is just exactly as I hoped for. without the body on, you can see the wire looms coming out between the bellhousing and the water log. beyond that, the ones that go on to the front of the engine pass under the intake manifold. the top side is virtually devoid of wires. I like it! I also welded in the O-2 sensor bung, in preparation for coating the headers, but they aren't done yet or I could hook up a fuel tank and fire this bad boy up. however.... it's 6:45 PM and I smell food, and feel a serious need for a dip in the hot tub.......... but with a very large smile..
Whewww. A lot was accomplished in the N* garage this weekend. Friday and Saturday were brakes and plumbing. today I re-configured the engine management wiring harness to fit the T, and hooked everything up. I ran out of wire loom from about the trans back, but everything is hooked up and operational, right out to the ignition switch.It doesn't look like much in the picture... which is just exactly as I hoped for. without the body on, you can see the wire looms coming out between the bellhousing and the water log. beyond that, the ones that go on to the front of the engine pass under the intake manifold. the top side is virtually devoid of wires. I like it! I also welded in the O-2 sensor bung, in preparation for coating the headers, but they aren't done yet or I could hook up a fuel tank and fire this bad boy up. however.... it's 6:45 PM and I smell food, and feel a serious need for a dip in the hot tub.......... but with a very large smile..

Boy you work so quickly. If I could work at your pace the Fad would have been done in... let me see now... 1990 something
Boy you work so quickly. If I could work at your pace the Fad would have been done in... let me see now... 1990 something

ha ha. ya... I do tend to get rather obsessed with finishing my projects. I've built 5 or 6 cars in the eight years it took a buddie of mine to build one model A truck, so you're not alone however. Now... you're not going to carry a duster with you and have to use it at every rest stop on a cruise are you??

can someone please tell me where these wires go?


and this is just the engine management system wiring!! I haven't even opened the box with the systems wiring yet. This poor wiring harness is really getting used and abused, as it's been in my Northstar Fiero for a wile, as well as undergoing several changes for variious projects utilizing the Northstar mule (idea testing) engine......... which is now my bucket T engine.
I just love wiring........ NOT!

The blue wire goes to the #3 terminal ... not sure about the rest of them ... :thumb:
ha ha. ya... I do tend to get rather obsessed with finishing my projects. I've built 5 or 6 cars in the eight years it took a buddie of mine to build one model A truck, so you're not alone however. Now... you're not going to carry a duster with you and have to use it at every rest stop on a cruise are you??


This T will NEVER be entered in a show. Does that say anything to you?
Any true car guy can't help but get goose bumps seeing those twin cams, 32 valves, chains a plenty, and aluminum galore.... AARRRR arr arr. The right (formally rear) valve cover on a N* is a rather ugly duckling however. it's unseen when installed sideways in a Caddy, so GM made no effort to make it pretty.
I.... however, require a bit more pretty, so I pulled that cover off and cut off all the various bosses, ribs and goobers, and then stripped off any remaining paint. polyester resin has been applied to the raised portions, and upon hardening that will be sanded down and some shallow grooves will be cut to match the "finned" left valve cover. apparently I qualify for a lazy badge today however, as this is as far as I got. (I'm letting Gerry catch up)
to be continued:
Huuum. looks like a bit of a formatting bug there in the new software boss. :bow:

Just promise me one thing.
Pleas put a video of N* on Utube with the volume turned to11 so we can hear what a TOHC should sound like. This is in a T
Just promise me one thing.
Pleas put a video of N* on Utube with the volume turned to11 so we can hear what a TOHC should sound like. This is in a T

I just tried to get an old vid of the engine running on a test stand posted here but the new software scrambles up the link. I'll try again later.

I find that my degree in technical engineering (from the school of hard knocks) has come in handy. this is as high tech as you'll ever see from me, but hey..... it worked. the die grinder with cut-off wheel is guided along by the edge of the board, and re-set for each of the grooves, which are cut to match the stock valve cover on the other side of the engine.
I painted it to match the other side, but that may change at some point down the road.
headers are in the oven baking as we speak, so they will go on next. Russ
I just tried to get an old vid of the engine running on a test stand posted here but the new software scrambles up the link. I'll try again later.


I have problems as well. Tried 3 times to [post the 2nd part of my headers post in the tec section. All failed. I ll wait for a while to give Mike a chance to figure things out. I use FF and never had a problem with it. except its quicker than any MS application.
lets try a video tag:
Huuum. welllll. how bout if you add your own www dot youtube dot to: com:80/watch?v=qxPePpIohSE and see if that works.

I love change. it makes us all more creative. :winkn:

kind of klunky. but that does work. if anyone here has been successful at putting on a youtube lnk here lately, I can send you the link to add for us. The sound on the video isn't the best rendition anyway, as my camera is very old technology, but it's the best I can do at the moment.


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