Is that a new axle , or new to you ??
Please tell me it's forged ?!!
I really wanted a drilled axle, but the were too pricey for my meager budget. Then a Speedway garage sale on a 5" drop tube axle met up with the realization that my track roadster nose would hide most of a drilled axle.
But YOU would have known it's there.And that's what counts.
I would like to do Bonneville again too. I went in '89. Got friends that had the C/CR record for a couple of years. If they are still going out there we may get you a ride.To Muroc, El Mirage, Bonneville and beyond in this life time.
My goal is the 150 mph club and the experience ...... what's your goal???
I hope to attend in August 2016, watch and gather info ............
If they are still going out there we may get you a ride.
how much caster is built into those bones , fred?
Will you be drilling dem bones also?