Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

"Black Dahlia"

Possible name change for project.... but I doubt it........ "Black Widow"....... common.....

My mind wanders. I guess it's the creativity flowing....

Hey....Spanky............. I have a good feeling they'll end up being firm.;)
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Update: March 3rd, I broke my right hand, while helping a friend install a transmission. As a result, my hand is in a cast for another 2 weeks. Everything is on hold. I'm in a real low, but I'll recover. Bills are piling up, I'll think of something.



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Be safe, guys. Oh.... I'm right handed. It sucks.
Ouch, Fred!!!:thumbsdown: That's a bummer! Get all this bad stuff outta the way so you can resume your build! You're in my prayers.:rolleyes:
I can appreciate the pain thats probably giving you. Both in your hand and in your frustration of not being able to do the stuff you want. Let it heal so it doesn't come back to bother you just as you are doing up the last few bolts on the T.

A week more here will save you months in the future. BTDT
I think I see the lesson here. Never help friends!!!
I don't know, maybe that's not it. Either way, take care of that hand. Hurting it more = more time away from making money for the bucket and more time away from working on the bucket.
Ouch! Sorry to hear it. I once broke both wrists, my left elbow, my tail bone, and burst l3. The worst part was not being able to use my hands. I understand how you feel. Keep your chin up, spring is close, you will be back in operation in no time and building your queen. Perhaps a cute Occupational therapist will be in your near Seriously, I'm sorry that you are down.
Fred, if you didn't have bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck atall. "Born under a bad sign" Recorded by various musicians.

I've said it before and I'll say it again ..... git a little hoan juice on it before it swells up too much.

Also relives jock itch. (Before that swells up too much).

Internet communication does not require hand writing. Be well and stay in touch.

Well, I'm back.

The cast came off March 28. But somehow, my hand had become infected. Plus, I hadn't had an appetite and wasn't eating properly. I lost 20 pounds! I went to see the doctor and he tossed me back in the hospital for a week! When I got out, my internet was shut off, so I had to get a pay check under my belt to pay it and a bunch of other bills. Whew.....

Once I catch up with my bills, I'll get back to building. I need a few fittings, then I'll run the brake lines. It's great to be back. I really missed you guys.

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