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leaf spring question


New Member
i have the CCR t-bucket set plans... :Di hope you guys can help me with this;),
i found a leaf spring on a yard sale, very very cheap!!! only 16 bucks, is a 4 leafs spring out from a trailer, is this good for my front end? can you give some info about your spring? how much weight your spring is for? well thanks to every one who takes time and answer me!!! i got photos for you and all the measurement:

center eye to center eye is : 25 3/4"
total length is: 26 1/2"
total weight can support: 1900 lbs
total height from top is : 5"
its 1 3/4" width

I think it is too short. Can't measure mine right now but I believe my Posie spring is 29" eye to eye. You can tell by looking at the pic that it is way wider then out to out of my frame rails which is 25 1/2".
Whether or not it will work depends on the center to center perch distance on your axle. It will not work on an OEM Ford transverse I beam or one of the "reproduction" axles. Too narrow. Many front axles intended for T bucket use, made of tube, and having weld on batwings have the perch centers set for 25"-26" so that they can use the commonly available trailer spring you have. What's the details on your axle?

i think its too short to because my frame its gonna be 26 1/2" wide, in the ccr plans i need to use a 32" wide spring may be i can ad some 1 or 2 more leafs, what you think? i measure it and figure out i add one more leaf, and its close to the 32" those people say on the plans were you get your spring by the way cool T i like those colors but its to early for me to think about colors :ciao:

blownt said:
I think it is too short. Can't measure mine right now but I believe my Posie spring is 29" eye to eye. You can tell by looking at the pic that it is way wider then out to out of my frame rails which is 25 1/2".
my axle would be tube made like the one in the photo,
one more question, how long its your spring?, thanks for all the info

bobscogin said:
Whether or not it will work depends on the center to center perch distance on your axle. It will not work on an OEM Ford transverse I beam or one of the "reproduction" axles. Too narrow. Many front axles intended for T bucket use, made of tube, and having weld on batwings have the perch centers set for 25"-26" so that they can use the commonly available trailer spring you have. What's the details on your axle?

You can make up for a little length with the length of your shackles. A little longer shackles for a little shorter spring. It will work fine that's exactly the spring I'm using on mine
Enjoy your build
As Ron says, the spring will work just fine. If for some reason you're still worried about it you could make the front crossmember an inch or two narrower. A point to concider here is the longer your spring, the smoother it rides. In this application a couple inches woun't be a big factor tho. If you still want a wider spring, use a 29 or 31 inch main leaf and the leaves from you garage sale spring or cut the eyes off and use the whole thing with the new main leaf.

very cool!!! i feel more confidence with all this info, thanks to all and god bless you guys. today i start with the tube cuts and the weld its gonna be next saturday today pick up my maverick rearend too im so glad to find you thanks again!:D
im gonna need a metroflog or something to upload all the pictures:lol: well read you soon!
thank for all!
if you are using the CCR axle this spring is too short. You would have to make up some LONG shackles or add a leaf. I would just spend a few bucks more and get the correct spring. By the time you get one longer leaf or make longer shackles (which will affect handling) youd be better off with a 29" or so spring. I bought my chromed reverse Posie spring from Springfield Street Rods for like $95 but that was a long time ago.
hi! blownt
thanks for reply, i was thinking and add one leaf its the way to go more longer, more close to the ccr plans... thanks!!!
have a good week start!!!

blownt said:
if you are using the CCR axle this spring is too short. You would have to make up some LONG shackles or add a leaf. I would just spend a few bucks more and get the correct spring. By the time you get one longer leaf or make longer shackles (which will affect handling) youd be better off with a 29" or so spring. I bought my chromed reverse Posie spring from Springfield Street Rods for like $95 but that was a long time ago.
Use that spring only if you want it to ride like a trailer... better to get yourself a car spring that is longer, the longer the spring the better ride... Been there and tried that years ago, you will not be happy with any trailer springs, just too heavy of stock, and not a tapered leaf, they are made to hold lots of weight... you can use most any width car spring, some use 13/4" some use 2", try and find an easy ride spring, has tapered ends on each leaf, except the main... :)
thank you!!! good points!!! the longer the better ride i read your blog and theres good info but what car will be good for take the spring, what model you recommend thanks for your time!:lol:

Ted Brown said:
Use that spring only if you want it to ride like a trailer... better to get yourself a car spring that is longer, the longer the spring the better ride... Been there and tried that years ago, you will not be happy with any trailer springs, just too heavy of stock, and not a tapered leaf, they are made to hold lots of weight... you can use most any width car spring, some use 13/4" some use 2", try and find an easy ride spring, has tapered ends on each leaf, except the main... :)

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