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Rebel Wire Kit and alternator idiot light


Any of you fellas using the rebel wire kit? Everything has been very straight forward and pretty simple, except for which ignition switch wire needs the alt. warning light wired in series. I understand that ya need this light so engine will stop running when ya turn switch off. Ign. switch has four terminals. Power; Ign-Run; Ign.-Start; and Acc. Now, my question, is which one of the four needs the light? I think it should be Ign. Run. Using a three wire alternator, by the way.

Right or wrong??????

Thanks, Guys
The light goes in series with the alt F terminal and the ign-run terminal. It just lights to show if the alternator isn't charging. It will come on with the key in the ign-run position and the engine not running. Once the engine starts, the light goes out.

Oh, the F terminal might be labeled L or 1; there is not a lot of consistency. But your harness probably has a plug for the alternator so it doesn't matter.
I would like to know what bulb should I use?
When you turn the key on the alternator field (the rotor) is energised by the battery via the bulb in series. The bulb goes out when the alterator is turning because the alternator self excites. What I'm getting to is, the bulb needs to be say 10W so as to give the rotor a decent amount of power to start exciting.
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Wow! I am not sure about wattage. I figured 3 watts would be enough.
Anyone know for sure what it should be???
As long as the bulb lets enough energy through to allow the alternator to start up. Try 3W and if it isn't enough the alternator won't initiate. An alternator that has been in service for a while often has enough residual magnetism in the rotor that it will start up without external exitation. I said 10W because I am sure that is enough, and sure I wasn't giving dud advice, is all.
Put a resistor, maybe 50 to 100 ohms, in parallel with the light, any wattage, and you're good to go, even if the light burns out.
I think I would use a 5W resistor, just to be safer if the key was left on with a dead engine.
I do not think the bulb would draw 5 watts of power. 50 ohms at 12vdc = .2 amps which = 2.4 watts. I think it's been about 50 years ago i did this stuff.

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