Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Starting on the rebuild.

Great news!

RocknT said:
Turn Fred loose ( behind ) the desk at an auto parts store !!:eek:
:):rofl: Yeah Right !! talk about never getting a pay check ,,LOL
Hope you get something soon ,,

I needed some things from my corner Auto Zone and I always go to the manager. He was there in the beginning, selling me stuff and liked my car when I finnally got her done. He calls me "Hot Rod" when I walk in the store.:) Well, I casually mentioned that I got laid off and he offered me a job. I had to fill out the generic Auto Zone application and it goes to that store. He said he'd look for my name and give me a call.

It probably won't be near what I was making, but I'll be working and teaching the youngsters about using the "BOOK" on cars and not depending on that dang computer.:lol:

Yea, I'm stoked. Took her for a spin an hour ago. Rooster, that dang fan was a God send. I thank you again.

Guys, it's some strange times we are in and it takes a while to swallow the bullet, BUT this country has been through worse and more than likely, you have to. DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep your heads high, buckle down and put some gas in that joy toy.

Ride. We are what we are. Hot Rodders.
He will have all those smart alec kids in the FREDZONE before they know it. Fred the fan was my pleasure don't mention it.
Just don't call it Auto Shack... yeah I'm that old that I remember AutoShack before it was Auto Zoinks.
Super woman to the rescue.

It was a great plan, I take my lady for a little ride. However, there was one problem, I had the wrong belt size or a bad alternator. I was hoping it was a belt, so I went and got one. I put it on with gusto and with heart a flutter turned the key. The sound of power, the thought of taking a drive....... and then, no movement from the alternator pulley.

Confusion sets in, I think to myself that now I need a new alternator because the bearings have froze up.:sad: Try and try, I'm still dreading the thought of having to drop $89 for a new one. Then.... Mary, my old lady, looked at at the situation and said, "The pulley is hitting the bracket. I think it's too tight." I loosened it and turned the key again and... WHALLA! It works!:D:lol::hooray:

Regardless of what some big guys or maybe the stupid ones say, behind every good man or one not paying attention...... there is a great woman.

Ride fellas.

PS: Mary says HI!

I had a friend in Houston lose his job, wife and house. He started working at Autozone for less than what he was use to making. He is still there 6 years later as a Manager and doing well !
^5 Fred ,, Glad you have a line on a job ..Auto Zone will never be the same,,LOL
Would be cool to have Miss Behaven sitting out front ,,
You guys think we can get Fred to ship out parts on his discount? :think:

Just kidding Fred, good luck with it. I miss the parts store days of my youth.
Good luck on the new Job Are they going to pay you for advertising using your bucket to draw in customers.
All it takes is a different perspective. A different way of looking at things. Now how 'bout some pictures. For a different perspective, let Mary take the pictures.

one finger john said:
All it takes is a different perspective. A different way of looking at things. Now how 'bout some pictures. For a different perspective, let Mary take the pictures.


I'm working on that. The camera I used to use was my bosses, so I'll have to go back to a one use camera, drug store developement, scan them and post them. The pics are coming, please give me time.

In the meantime, this is pretty much how she looks. The grill shell is straighter.


I'll get detailed shots of how I attached the grill shell, fan and overflow tank (16 oz LoneStar beer can). Oh, in case anyone remembers, I have not yet scrapped my pitman arm and there is major construction on my street. Bumps and all kinds of crap. I watch how I drive, but I always did. Well, except for that dang cop. There are a lot of things you can't control, but the one thing you can is the safety that you build into your car. I can't and neither can you predict the actions of those around you, but you can and MUST make sure what you are in is a safe and street worthy vehicle.

Sorry for the rant. Ride safe brothers. PS: Anyone having second thoughts about using the GM setup, don't. Get the wheels balanced and make sure you have good tires. The setup works great and she stops on a dime.
one finger john said:
Fred, everything firing on eight cylinders? Haven't heard from you in a while.


I'm here, brother. Just had to chase a few job leads out of town and didn't have a computer to get on. I don't think a possible employer would find it ok if I got on their system to chat about hot rods.:D Who knows, maybe I'll find one who's into 'em.

I'm back at home and dang! I got close to 400 post to read!:lol: Got in this morning, took a cat nap. Got up and fired her off.:lol: They are still doing construction on my street, so I didn't take her out.:sad: I just let her run and sat in her. Felt good.

But they are doing a good job on the street. I can't wait to break in the new concrete!:lol:
Oh, I stopped at a little store and got a Guiness in a can!:o But the dang thing is the perfect size. I'm gonna use some 180 grit and take off the label, but it's a nice size and looks like a little Moon tank.:D I laughed the whole time. Moon wants over $200 for a little tank and heck, you can get one for $3.99 at a corner store.:lol:

I still have not been able to take time to get a camera and pics. I have a lot on my mind and have to plan out routes and such, but when I get a chance there will be plenty.

Thanks for the concern. It is very much appreciated. Youngster, I answered your PM.

Now, I have about 4 hours of reading to do. You guys have been busy!
[ame=[media=youtube]3j-XzYBBIwY[/media] - Steppenwolf - Born to be Wild[/ame]
Man! My eyes are failing! 1,000 plus post! You guys are gonna have me up all night!:lol:
Welcome back Mr Fred i hope your job hunting will yeald a goodun. North of the red river would be great!!!
rooster57 said:
Welcome back Mr Fred i hope your job hunting will yeald a goodun. North of the red river would be great!!!

Yea, it's gonna be sad to pull up stakes, but you do what you have to and then you pray.
Yes i know first hand . After the oil boom and bust in the early 80s Susan and i had to serve 10 year sentence in Wichita KS. When the opertunity came to move back to Oklahoma we jumped at it . So i hope where ever you call home it workes out you can stay. But you gota look at it like you said, do what ya gota do. It really does work out for the best 90% of the time.

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