Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Starting on the rebuild.

Left, right, stop

Gosh darn it! It's always the simple things. I took apart the signal switch and everything looked okay. So, I begin to think that maybe the flasher is bad. Not sure how, but at that point I was reaching for any solution. I go get a flasher. Still nothing.

I'm sitting in my car dreading tearing the wiring out, when I glance at my feet and something very small and shiney catches my eye. I get out, bend in my car and look around the bottom of the column and there is was. 3 wires cut and the copper shining back at me. I stripped off some of the tape, stripped the wires and spliced them up.

Everything works. Got signal, brake lights and hazard lights.
Re: Left, right, stop

tfeverfred said:
Gosh darn it! It's always the simple things. I took apart the signal switch and everything looked okay. So, I begin to think that maybe the flasher is bad. Not sure how, but at that point I was reaching for any solution. I go get a flasher. Still nothing.

I'm sitting in my car dreading tearing the wiring out, when I glance at my feet and something very small and shiney catches my eye. I get out, bend in my car and look around the bottom of the column and there is was. 3 wires cut and the copper shining back at me. I stripped off some of the tape, stripped the wires and spliced them up.

Everything works. Got signal, brake lights and hazard lights. I picked up a fan and will install that tomorrow.:D

Nice Fred! Glad you found it. ;)

Re: Left, right, stop

RexRod said:
Nice Fred! Glad you found it. ;)


David, I have waited over 6 months to get to the day when I could SAFELY drive my car. It's been a long road. Lots of waiting and cursing the city (I still do). In the last few days, scooting up to the auto parts store or taking a test drive, all while looking over your shoulder was no fun. Well, maybe a little.:D

All I have to do now is hook up the fan and re-install my carpet and Miss Fortune is in business! I'm very happy.

I want to thank EVERYONE who has been with me through this ordeal. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. You guys are the best.

It's gonna be a sweet weekend.
Oh, I had a little display of speed today.:o There's a small group of construction workers who will have something to tell their kids tonight. I was coming off my street and stopped at the corner and a guy asked if she would do a burnout. Well, coast was clear and is was around noon when there is no traffic, so........ yea. I kicked up a little dust.
Glad to see that you were able to tackle that "devil", electricity, Fred. Did you check to see why the wires were cut? Was it something that you had done during your "de-construction" phase and had a "senior moment" and forgot to reconnect? (You are too young to be having those "moments".) If not, then I would suggest that you check for a cause so it does not happen again.

as i look at the pic in the #1 post for this thread, i can't help but to marvel at the stress these parts and welds took without fracturing. we have had discussions here about the thickness of mounting tabs and frame tubing before, and i don't mean to re-open those but look how that 11g tubing and 1/4"plate held up. awesome!!!

EX JUNK said:
Glad to see that you were able to tackle that "devil", electricity, Fred. Did you check to see why the wires were cut? Was it something that you had done during your "de-construction" phase and had a "senior moment" and forgot to reconnect? (You are too young to be having those "moments".) If not, then I would suggest that you check for a cause so it does not happen again.


I think it happened when I was taking things apart to remove the body. I disconnected the column and still had the wiring from the switch attached to it. It was just laying in the body and everytime I had to do something, I would just move it out of the way. Later on, I'm going to install Quick disconnects on all the wiring that has to come into the body.
Youngster said:
as i look at the pic in the #1 post for this thread, i can't help but to marvel at the stress these parts and welds took without fracturing. we have had discussions here about the thickness of mounting tabs and frame tubing before, and i don't mean to re-open those but look how that 11g tubing and 1/4"plate held up. awesome!!!


Ron, I wish you could have seen it in person. The damage looks bad in the pics, but in person you could have seen how everything basicly held together after a pretty good hit. Proper welding, and use of the correct thickness of materials is no joke! That is why I kid RPM about his stuff. It's thick and welded right. It has to be done that way. If guys can't do it or use the right materials, then get someone who can do it for you who will use the right stuff and weld it right.
Glad to read about your road to recovery after the accident, Fred.
Read about it before but now that I'm on this board I get the rest of the story. ;)
Pepper in the rad.. OLD remedy.
I had a leak in my daily about 3 years ago. I was 7 hours from home, threw some in and it worked. I forgot all about it until this last summer. Guess it will stay.
Glad you got the wiring fixed.

I was sitting checking my email, watching a movie and basicly bummed out. Then a knock at the door and it's a Fedex delivery guy. Still bummed, wish it had been a chick.:D Anyway, I get the box and open it and ROOSTER has not only sent me a fan, but he has given me instructions on how to hook it up.

Rooster, I got you man and I LOVE to pay back.;)
Hi Fred, long time no see. I just went thru the whole rebuild thread, Happy belated birthday. Great job on the rebuild. :D Miss Fortune is looking great.

Sorry about the layoff. All the best on the job hunt.

I jusy got in from letting her run and I have got to hook Roosters fan up. Thanks again.
Re: Hot

Damn you got the fan already. Fred i hope it works for U .
Why is it when i order something it takes the first mule train here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Hot

rooster57 said:
Damn you got the fan already. Fred i hope it works for U .
Why is it when i order something it takes the first mule train here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rooster the fan is better than expected. Thanks again, man. I owe you big.;)
Re: Rooster

tfeverfred said:
...Then a knock at the door and it's a Fedex delivery guy. Still bummed, wish it had been a chick.....

So Fedex delivers chicks there? Hmmmm. Food for thought.

Glad you got a fan...
Cool is cool

I know it's been a while, so here's the latest. Roosters fan has got my T running at 165 degrees. I drove the hell out of her. Then I spent some time with a friend of mine in Ingelside, TX. and just relaxed. I'm back home and doing well. No job yet, but looking and wanting.

Keep riding, guys.
Re: Cool is cool

Hi Fred, John here. Some times you have to get yourself recharged and get away for awhile. I'm in the same boat you are except I have been recovering from a broken arm. Broke it a week after I was laid off. Crashed on my bicycle. Anyway, you don't have to get a million jobs, just one. Keep plugging.
How 'bout some up to date pictures of the girl. Haven't seen her for awhile. 165 seems a bit too cold, if the temp gage is accurate. Try to be more in the 180 to 200 degree range and have the fan do it's job when needed. You'll get better gas mileage to boot.
Do you know what the mileage has been? Freeway vs city?

Stay safe, have fun, and post those pictures, John.
Re: Cool is cool

Fred my neighbor just got a job at Lowes in the elect dpt he said the pay aint to bad and the benifets are good. I would think a guy as handy as u could be a great help be it temp at Lowes ,Homedepot,acehardware, Pepboys,autozone Just a thought
Turn Fred loose ( behind ) the desk at an auto parts store !!:eek:
:lol::rofl: Yeah Right !! talk about never getting a pay check ,,LOL
Hope you get something soon ,,
yea your right talk about a fat boy in a doughnut shop

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