But the tranny is vented, so there shouldn't be any air pressure in it at any time...right?
Maybe a stupid question, but could the vent be clogged?
But the tranny is vented, so there shouldn't be any air pressure in it at any time...right?
No, the vent is actually spurting fluid into a catch can I set up.Maybe a stupid question, but could the vent be clogged?
No, the glass has a small hole at the top so it is open to the atmosphere.Here's another stupid question - don't you need return air from the top of the sight glass back to the trans? I don't see anything like that in your drawing.
An interesting idea. I have a new one I can swap in and see if that makes a difference. But usually when the diaphragm is leaking, fluid is sucked from the tranny and appears in the vacuum line. Mine is transparent and no fluid is seen.Is the modulator valve ok? If the diaphragm was leaking it could introduce negative pressure, aka vacuum, to the case. Easy to test.
No, the vent is actually spurting fluid into a catch can I set up.
Here's another stupid question - don't you need return air from the top of the sight glass back to the trans? I don't see anything like that in your drawing.
No, the vent is actually spurting fluid into a catch can I set up.
They usually produce white smoke too, just a thought with your pressure phenomenon.An interesting idea. I have a new one I can swap in and see if that makes a difference. But usually when the diaphragm is leaking, fluid is sucked from the tranny and appears in the vacuum line. Mine is transparent and no fluid is seen.
You are right. It is frustrating trying to get stuff done these days. It is worse when we have knowledge but are dismissed by the new generation of mechanics for whatever reason. I have done most everything for myself, even for most friends, family, etc over the years. It’s not so easy now with the baggage of age and injuries. Very hard to find quality, reliable help. That is true for various other forms of work, not just mechanical. Too bad that we, as a group, aren’t closer geographically to help each other through these hoops! Harbor Freight sells a decent, budget friendly transmission jack if you can perform the swap with the beast on jack stands and are capable of wallowing around under it. I used to crawl under and swap em all the time in my youth... I have done it in the past several years, but it is hard on me physically.Hi Fletch, thanks for the ideas. I've had no luck. It must be the pump. I've called 3 tranny shops, but when they hear "hot rod" they hang up. I just want someone to swap in a newly rebuilt 400. I'd do it myself, but one really needs a lift, jack, etc. People today, even mechanics, can't seem to think or function without a computer. Or maybe it's fear of liability. They think we're all crazy lead-foots.