Keeper how many hours do you have in making your own interior?
Honestly I couldn't really say. Not all that much really. I would say total maybe 20 hours? and that includes mistakes and remaking things.
The biggest part was making the seat frame and doing the foam work. Next longest part was the patterns, and again it was less then I expected. I used construction paper to make the templates, then made patterns with some clear vinyl. Once that was done, transfering it to the regular vinyl and cutting/sewing was pretty quick.
Once I got over the "here we go"
The actual sewing only took about 2.5 hours, and most of that was sewing the pleats!
I went to the extra setup of making the clear vinyl patterns as I knew I would be re-making another set of seat covers with the better quality vinyl, but it turned out nice enough that this will work for the first year or two, then once the bugs are worked out and the body is set for final paint/finishing, then I will make some new covers.
Before I started the interior, I did a couple projects to help me learn the sewing machine and the processes of making things.
- first up I refinished a bar stool. Easy, but it showed me how to use piping, and sewing different seam types.
- next up we had a leather computer chair that the seat foam was shot in. So I recovered it after I repaired the foam, for this project I took the time and cut he original seat cover apart piece by piece and used it as a template for the new cover. This one really showed me how things go together, how the seam allowance plays into things, and how not sewing things in the correct order will screw things up.
- last, our neighbor threw out a cool old 60's chrome stool, with a fold up step. It needed a new cover so I designed one from scratch and seen if i could create a cover that looked good and I tried a couple different seams for this one. This one showed me that its not as hard as I thought to design and create something.
Then I took the leap and started on my seats. If you look in my build post I laid out my steps. If you have any questions I can try to answer and if I cannot I should be able to aleast point you to a group who can.