Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Welcome to IP.Board 3.2.1

I guess it is just me and my crappy eyes but the whole white background irritates the heck out of my eyes. On the previous version I had changed the theme to make the background grey and for whatever reason that is way easier on my eyes. I tried all the options in the theme and non of them are any better (for me at least). I looked at a few of the other forums that I visit for a comparison and noticed that even the forums with white pages have some type of non white color behind the text like light great or blue. It just seems to knock the glare off of the text.
Like I said, tell me which skin you prefer using and I will try to insert some gray into it. It won't take long to edit one of the current skins to do it, as it will be a simple matter of opening the CSS file in an IDE, using Find/Replace on the white and off-white values to replace them with some gray tones.
Like I said, tell me which skin you prefer using and I will try to insert some gray into it. It won't take long to edit one of the current skins to do it, as it will be a simple matter of opening the CSS file in an IDE, using Find/Replace on the white and off-white values to replace them with some gray tones.

Sorry Mike I must have missed that part. I use the Aztec blue one.
OK, take a look at the Aztech Blue-Gray. If you notice, the white backgrounds in the sponsor ads really stands out against the gray, so the content background has changed considerably. Then look at the white background of my avatar against the post_block background. The post_block is a bit softer gray, but still a significant change.

Look at the last post in the topic and then at the Repy box below it. The reply box is still an off-white.

How does that work for you?
Man that is awesome Mike. I really appreciate you going out of the way to make a small change for me. Thanks a bunch.

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