Well, I got layed off last Monday and when I got home, my computer bombed out. Finally got it back yesturday. It kinda tossed me a little. I've done a little work on my car and she's doing well. Heck, I took her for a run again and the new shock set up is still a whole new world. The old radiator is still in, so I only go a couple miles or so. I don't have the new radiator in yet, but it's a perfect fit. I started on a mounting bracket and I got an electric cooling fan that should do the job, so it won't be long before she's a full time runner.
It was just a matter of time before my boss had to let me go. He finally got tired of paying me to sweep the floor and smoke cigarettes. I kinda liked getting up later than usual, but I miss work. It just feels good to be doing something. I'm confident I'll get a new job, but I also know it's gonna be a struggle. No tears and my chin is up. Man, it's embarassing filing for unemployment, but I have bills that can't be ignored. I have a little money in savings and that will last untl the unemployment starts coming or I get a new job. I've been spending a lot of time on Monster.com redoing my resume and job search. This is just a minor bump in my road of lifeand I'll get through it fine.
Now, back to hot rodding.

I swappd out all the bolts in the front end and I'm reusing my old carpet for now. I have not installed the front turn signals yet, but that's because I'm waiting to fit the grille to the Mustang radiator. I also am moving her home. My mechaic buddy needs the room and it's all good. Besides it will be cool having her close when I get an idea or want to escape life for a while.