Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Starting on the rebuild.

joes23t said:
Fred dont forget to make another movie and this time try not to get stoped by the POLICE. GOOD LUCK

:lol:Movie of the first drive is coming and ALL the local law enforcement will be warned to keep clear.:D
That engine sounds like nothing happened Fred. Hope you have favorable weather for a burn out and a drive. Happy Motoring!

Its getting dark out so Fred should be back from his maiden voyage soon.
Rick said:
Its getting dark out so Fred should be back from his maiden voyage soon.

Nope. Not yet, my friend. This evening was a pain. I spent it working with that B&M shifter. It's not that it's a hard install, it's that I don't have the time to work like I did before. My buddie shuts it down around 6:30PM, so that basicly only gives me a good hour and a half. Heck, I got RPM's shock mounts and have not even tried them yet, ran out of time. Tomorrow, I'm gonna roll her back to work and do an all nighter. I like it that way. Just me and my baby.
Well, I changed my mind. I was going to do an all nighter and try and get finished, but things didn't work out. My buddie had an emergency and shut down early, but I'll have all day tomorrow. Probably better this way. I'd hate to rush at this stage and set myself back.
Probably better to go at it after a good nights rest. Otherwise one might make mistakes from not thinking clearly. Even though I know you would never do that. :whistle:
Two steps forward and one step back.

This morning, I looked forward to thrashing on my car and doing a test drive. Miss Fortune had other ideas. First was the shifter that was given to me. It was missing the shifter bracket that comes off the tranny, so I made one. It's fairly close, but I don't have 1st gear. I do have park, reverse, neutral and drive, so it would do for a little while. It's also a bit large for the interior and will most likely get replaced soon.

The next hurdle was the steering column. I'm using one from Speedway and the floor mount is from Total Performance. It took the rest of the morning to get them to work like I needed it to, but it came out great.

I then connected the wiring with the exception of the lights. I just wanted to be able to start the car and have it run off the alternator. This was easy to do because I had labeled my wires when I tore the car down.

So, I was looking rosey and it was about 3:00PM. I filled the radiator and turned her over. SUCCESS! But then I noticed that the radiator has a leak.:eek: Right at the top edge where it meets the cooling fins. So, I'll see how much it is to get it fixed, but depending on the estimate, I may just get another one. Probably a Mustang unit.

So, a complete day. I made some progress and I'm glad. The radiator was a freebie, so I'm not out anything and it may be a quick, cheap fix.

Oh, before I parked her for the day, I did drive her outside and let her sit in the drive way. It felt good to be in her again and have her moving under her own power. She'll get done and today was a good day for us. My big regret is that I didn't get her done for the Houston Burnout Cruise today, but there will be other cruises and we'll be there in great form.
Great news Buutt nooo Picture's ?? :eek: Fred Fred :rofl:..LOL
RocknT said:
Great news Buutt nooo Picture's ?? :eek: Fred Fred :rofl:..LOL

Well, there really wasn't much to show. Just the steering column. But, I will oblige Monday with a pic of me sitting in it with that "grin".:rofl:
Fred, hope everything is all right. Haven`t heard from you since 2/28/09. Looking forward to seeing the completion of the new/improved T.

Big fan, one finger john.

P.S. Are you really seven feet tall ?
one finger john said:
Fred, hope everything is all right. Haven`t heard from you since 2/28/09. Looking forward to seeing the completion of the new/improved T.

Big fan, one finger john.

P.S. Are you really seven feet tall ?

All is fine, John. In fact RPM called to check on me also!:lol: It's just been kinda hectic at work and I didn't get to play with my car last week. I was just too wore out.:eek: Yup, it happens to even the most motivated of us.

Now, I had another busy day today, but I did install the front shock setup that RPM sent me, so all is well. The light brckets will go on tomorrow and I'll get off my butt and get some shots of her.

Oh, I did start reinstalling her wiring. I hooked up the ingnition, starter and alternator first. Hey, I was missing seeing that key hangin' from her dash.:D

Oh.... I'm just 6'3", but I've been told I look taller in my car!
Okay, put on the dunce cap and sit in the corner.

I was all excited! I had stopped before work and gotten the bolts for my headlight stands. I had new terminal connectors for the wires! I even had Koalas wiring diagram just in case the "DEVIL" showed up!

Then after work, it stepped in. The "dummie symdrom". I tried to get the bolts to go in the holes but they wouldn't. After going into panic mode and making THREE:eek: trips to the hardware store trying to get the right size bolts, I finally realized they are "self threading". Then after my buddie told me he had to shut things down for the night, he told me, "Hey, just take one from a shock brackets to set the threads and problem solved. 3/16"-20. Got a bin of 'em."

Yup. The dunce cap is on my head and fitting nicely.:o So, pics and satisfaction will be tomorrow.

Insert laughter rom fellow Go ahead, I can take it.
You can dumb a man for a brain fart Fred... it happens to all of us at the most opportune times, just so happens that more people are around at the oddest times. Your enthusiasm is there and thats what counts the most. Rock Steady!!!!!
Well, I got the holes for the headlight brackets threaded. Took about 20 minutes. It was then that a few buddies popped in to help, but not with my car. They were there to do what I didn't want done. They gave a a Happy 50th surprise party.

I have no idea how they got with my buddy and didn't really care. I'm not abig birthday person, but realizing I had made through a half century was not only cool, but a welcome surprise.

So, have I made to the "old timer" status?:lol: Will I be a newbie? I'll have to change my font setting. It's hard to read when it's this small.

Pics soon guys. I promise.
nice thing about turning 50 is they don't call you a dirty old fart they call you a cute old man!! happy b'day fred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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