Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Starting on the rebuild.

Happy Birthday Fred! You should be getting the AARP offers in the mail soon.

I'll be turning 49 this June, but they're already sending me that junk!

Take care,




oh yea, don't worry about the dunce factor, I'm there more often than not it seems. :lol::lol:


We had a new girl at work start a couple weeks ago, shes 22 and she told my boss that he reminded her of her grandpa... at least you dont get that, hes ony 54.
An update with PIC!

First off, thanks for the birthday wishes. I don't feel like 50, so it's not that bad. Oh, the AARP stuff started coming about 6 mounths ago.:rofl: I ignored them..... for now.:eek:

Now, on the the important stuff. Here ae the pics of where I am as of today. In the first pic you can see the shock bracket and headlight bracket that RM made for me. They fit ike a glove. I used the Monroe #5752 shocks and cut the top sleeve off, as I had read about on a thread here. I gave Miss Fortune the old "jump on the spring perch test" and they will be more than adequate. Ignore those nasty looking bolts, I'll have grade 8's on her tomorrow.



Here's a pic of the steering column installed. I still need to mount the support, but that is a minor detail. This evening after work, I installed the headlight brackets and headlights and was going to call it a night, but I just HAD to mount the signal switch and tach. I just had too.:rofl: I'm not sure if you can se it clearly, but the B&M shifter a friend gave me is a good shifter, but the cover for it is way too large and it will be in the way of my foot getting good placement on the gas pedal and we all kno how important that is. So, I'll either make a smaller cover for it or get a more practical shifter. We'll see.


Here's the view I hope to have when I take her for a spin VERY soon.:sofnny:


Now for her good side. This is not the radiator I'm going to use. It has a leak and a Mustang radiator is cheaper than the estimate I got to fix it. I may fix it later, as it looks to be a 4 core. I'll see. The grille is just placed on because I just love the way it looks.




So, that's where I'm at. Tomorrow, I plan to hook up the throttle cable, tail lights and hopefully reconnect all the wiring. Depending on how long that takes and the weather (it says rain and cold for tomorrow:cry:) I may get a test drive in. Fingers are crossed!
Happy Birth Day Fred ,,I'll be there next year
Happy birthday to a great friend. :rofl::sofnny:


Considering it was a really crappy day here, weather wise, I got a few more things knocked out. The auto parts store dropped the ball on my radiator, so I worked on installing my tail lights and knocking out some rewiring. I was in a good groove, I guess and just about finished doing the whole car. Alls that's left are the front signal lights. I gotta admit, it was a cool feeling to turn the key and hit lights and have them work. I'm really going to miss watching the lights shine through those wire wheels. The signals in the rear wouldn't work and it may be either because the front ones aren't hooked up or there was damage to the signal switch. The front signals will get hooked up later when I finish dealing with the radiator/grill issues and I'll confront the flasher issue then.

So here's a few pics:



If the passenger light seems dim, it is. I had a bad ground, but after I fixed it the camera died. Here's a shot of the way cool license plate bracket RPM did for me. If it's to dark, it reads: "Failure To Yield".:biggrin: It's gonna be a pleasure explaining it to folks. Here's a little better shot.


And finally, a profile shot.

Looks great Fred! I think you're right about the flasher not working because the fronts aren't hooked up yet. I think I remember somewhere reading that the flasher needs a certain threshold of electrical load to make it work. It take two bulbs to do it.

Take care,

RexRod said:
Looks great Fred! I think you're right about the flasher not working because the fronts aren't hooked up yet. I think I remember somewhere reading that the flasher needs a certain threshold of electrical load to make it work. It take two bulbs to do it.

Take care,


I hope that's it, Rex. That makes good sence. Thanks.
Ted Brown said:
Car looks good all except that crazy LOW pitman arm, a very bad deal, very bad... I would change that no matter what, for the sake of safety if nothing else, plus it looks terrible... :}

No troubles all last summer and I averaged about 50 to 60 miles a DAY over all kinds of roads. Ain't changing it now.
Ted, I think you are letting the camera angle make you thnk it's lower than it appears. Trust me, I'm a VERY staunch advocate for safe cars. I earned my wings 9-6-2008.:biggrin:
Fred, looks great, if you ran a shorter pitman arm, would there be more steering effort? Not to rag on ya, but, the arm does look a little low and the angle does look a little off. Thats all I`m going to say. Hope your runnin` real soon!

By the way, I`m jealous, be safe, John.

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