Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Starting on the rebuild.

Good work Fred. It won't be long now. Looking foreward to seeing you on the road again. I was unable to find numbers on my chassis. Are they on the top or bottom of the frame?
old round fart said:
Good work Fred. It won't be long now. Looking foreward to seeing you on the road again. I was unable to find numbers on my chassis. Are they on the top or bottom of the frame?

On the top. Your frame being older, they may be in a different spot or maybe even ground off for some reason. Try calling TP and asking for Mikey. He would know for sure.
She's ALIVE!!! again

Got Miss Fortune cranked up tonight. I just got home and I'm beat, but smiling ear to ear!:hooray: I'll sleep good tonight.

I had a few glitches and I'm almost embarassed to mention them, but I will so no one else does the same mistake.

First off, I had disconnected the line for my oil pressure guage at the engine block and forgot to plug the fitting. First two cranks and oil sprayed everywhere.:eek: Took 2 seconds to figure that out. Second, I had forgotten to tighten up the tranny lines coming out of the tranny. Spilled a little, but should have checked this stuff before hand. Thrid, I had forgotten to tighten up the gas line coming off the tank. Spilled about a half pint of gas. Yea, I was trying to be in a hurry and missed the little things.

After cleaning up and calming down, I connected the battery and fired her off. Ran a little rough at first, but the sound was music to my ears. No video due to how late it got and just being too dang tired. I'll do one tomorrow.
Just take your time, man. It'll come together.
Re: She's ALIVE!!! again

tfeverfred said:
I had disconnected the line for my oil pressure guage at the engine block and forgot to plug the fitting. First two cranks and oil sprayed everywhere.:eek:

Don't feel bad, Fred. I pulled the same stunt when I fired mine for the first time!:hooray:

Glad to hear you're making good progress.

Fred, I built the 588 cu. in. motor and put it in the dragster and ran the primer pump while looking at the 10 lb. oil pressure and thinking "this is not what I wanted, hope it comes up soon". Then the pump cavitated so I stopped, looked down and saw 9 quarts of racing oil on the floor! I left out the galley plugs for the oil passeges but the motor plate kept oil from exiting with a squirt to warn me! You have NOT cornered the DOOH market.
Congrats I've been following your build if I'm not mistaken your wreck happened about the same time I joined up here. Good
Luck you are getting there.
Da video

Well, finally got the bugs worked out and here she is!:lol: I appoligize for he lighting. I was too excited to hit the other switch!


[ame="[media=youtube]YjPSgrc6v8c[/media]"]YouTube - Miss Fortune comes to life[/ame]
Check out the body on this chick!!

All day at work, I was mentally torturing myself. Would I be able to mount my body without spacers? Would the steering box line up with the new column setup I'm going with? Would the profile be right? Would aliens land and put my car back together?

All was answered. The body dropped right on. I won't need spacers because the reason I needed them last time was to clear the Lokar shifter mount. The steering column line up perfect and so did the holes in the frame where the body bolts on.:D

So here she is. I didn't have time to bolt in the steering column permanantly and I'm starting to miss not being able to work on my car after work as long as I want. But she's coming together at a good pace and I think I'll roll her to my job Friday and do an all nighter on the wiing. With any luck, a test drive will occur Saturday morning.

So, here's a shot.


And this is her GREAT side!:lol: Notice how the shorter radiator and the body sittig an inch lower enhances her "down low" look. The grill shell is chopped and will be on soon. I am freakin' STOKED!

Just had a chance to follow up on the build and I think its great the additude and the progress looks and sounds good. My loose nut story is (you have to check the muffler to the headerclamp bolt) Durring the see how they look stage I foregot about it and headed down the road. Got on the high way to about 70 and blew it off. Made the honest attempt to look for it then (THE PLUS SIDE) I was able to talk the wife in to a new set of pipes and muffs. GOOD JOB AND GOOD LUCK Joe
joes23t said:
Just had a chance to follow up on the build and I think its great the additude and the progress looks and sounds good. My loose nut story is (you have to check the muffler to the headerclamp bolt) Durring the see how they look stage I foregot about it and headed down the road. Got on the high way to about 70 and blew it off. Made the honest attempt to look for it then (THE PLUS SIDE) I was able to talk the wife in to a new set of pipes and muffs. GOOD JOB AND GOOD LUCK Joe

It's so easy to get caught up in doing things and go two steps head of where you should be. I'm getting close to a test drive and I'll probably spend an hour on a pre-flight check for sure. I like to road test fast:eek:, so I have to be careful.

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