Okay, looks like the seating issue has been beat to death. Thanks to yours truly.

So, let's talk steering wheels. Earlier, I thought I would go with this one from Lime Works, 15" dia, no dish and leather wrapped, but it was $200 and now it's out of stock:
So, I next thought about the Speedway version of the same steering wheel. 15" dia, stainless steel spokes and a 2" dish. $90.
Next, is another Speedway wheel. 13" dia, 3 spoke with a 3.5" dish, chrome spokes and it's $35.
And finally, the old standby, the classic Grant 3 spoke. 13" dia, chrome spokes with holes and a 3.75" dish. $35.
But let's not forget the Mooneyes metal flake selection. 15" dia, finger grips, 3.5" dish and chrome 3 spoke center. $125
Now, I've heard that a larger diameter steering wheel is easier to steer, in a car with manual steering. Not sure how true that is, but from a leverage standpoint, it makes sense. I have room for 15", but it may look out of scale in a small interior, like a T Bucket. My old car had a 13" and I remember liking it, but I didn't try a larger steering wheel.
As of now, I'm going with the 15" 4 spoke from Speedway because I like the competition look, the stainless steel spokes and of course, the price. Let's see what you guys have or want and why!